chapter one : Long time no see

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  It was a blissful day, the flowers were blooming all around, birds were chirping joyfully,  the smell of early spring filled the air.  It was the beginning of spring break. Delilah was sleeping peacefully.  The bright sun light from the window glimmers over her beautiful pale skin.  Suddenly her mom knocked on the door " sweety time to get up, we have to go to your cousin birthday party today " .   She finally awoken "ugh please just five more minutes "  she said tirelessly.  

   Finally after a few minutes she gets ready.   She grabs a soft pink dress that has strawberry print on it.   She went to the bathroom to go take a shower.   The white tiles felt cold pressed against her feet. The shower had a sliding glass door.  She got undressed and slid the door open.  She turned the handle til it was medium warm and waited for it to heat up.   Soon the bathroom was filled with steam,  the warm water fell against her skin. 

She finally got out , she then dried off and wrapped a white towel around her body.   Delilah plugged in a pink hair dryer and begun drying her hair.  After a few minutes her hair was finally dry enough to brush and style.  She took a combe and begun detangleing her beautiful blonde curls.  She had honey blonde hair that went down to her shoulders with fringie bangs.   She decided to  leave it down.   Next was makeup, she decided to do a simple natural look for today.   First he added the base, she added soft pink eye shadow and blush.  She then added false eyelashes to complete the look.   Next was the dress, she slipped it on and looked in the mirror.  She looked as beautiful as a princess in a classic Disney movie.

"  Delilah are you ready?  We have to hurry up and leave it's a long ride "

"Coming mom! "

It really was a long ride, they had to get from Orangeburg  South Carolina To North Carolina in an hour.   Delilah and her mom got in her moms silver honda Civic.  They then pulled out the driveway. 

"I bet this will be fun, you haven't seen your cousin Kylie in a good minute "

" heh yeah I bet "

Delilah and Kylie were close when they were younger.  Like two peas in a pod her mom used to say.   But when she moved they fell apart and lost contact.  So she was sceptical about seeing her again.  She hasn't visited much either, she hasn't seen her in exactly 3 years.  Today was her 16th birthday, she was haveing a sweet 16 that Delilah was invited to.  Her mom turned on the radio to a country station, Delilah can't stand it.   Randomly her mom stated "Luke Bryan is sexy as hell, I'mma have to have a piece of that "   Delilah just simply rolled her eyes.   They were now in Blackville, they had to stop and get some gas cause they were running low.   Her mom went to go pay for gas, she also bought two monsters.   Pipeline punch for Delilah and ultra fiesta for her.   She filled up the gas tank and got back into the car.  "Here you go "   " thanks mom "   they were back on there way.

                           TIME SKIP

They have finally arrived at Kylies house, she had a huge white house with a well cut lawn.   They went to ring the doorbell when her aunt answered . 

" Oh hi Martha  "

"Hello Angelica it's been a while " 

" hello aunt Martha "

" Oh my god, Delilah your all grown up and your so beautiful "

"  thank you "

"Come on the Kylie and her friends are in the back yard, follow me "

They both  followed Martha to the backyard,  there was a lot of people .  Delilah spotted Kylie hanging out with a group of friends near the chocolate fountain.   She walked up to them to speak to kyle.   She tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around.

" h- hey cuz "

" OH WOW "

" Delilah I can't believe it's you, it's been a while, loving the dress "

" thanks, happy birthday "

" why thank you"

" oh let me introduce you, y'all this is my cousin Delilah "

" nice to meet you " said a girl in the group

" sup "  said a rather tall girl wearing a black dress 

She had long black hair that was pulled back in a pony tail where you could clearly see she had an undercut.  There was a strand of  hair falling in front of her face.  She had a septem piercing, she seemed a bit intimidating with her resting bitch face. 

" hi" said Delilah

Kyle went to walk up to her.  She bent down to whisper in her ear

"Long time no see old friend... "


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