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"Bye Mum!" I yell and run out the doorway. 

"Have fun at your new school!" she yells back, and I ran towards my bike with my backpack and books in my hands. Today I am going to Karasuno High, the place where I can finally achieve my dreams of being a volleyball star! Dad says that I have good technique, and jump boost, just that I could be a little taller. Not saying that he thinks that I am short or anything. 

I sit down in the classroom, freezing cold from riding my bike out in the snow. It is really warm inside, and I relax at my desk to thaw out. I start to get prepared when I see what seems like two first years arguing about something to do with volleyball. One has tangerine hair, and the other one has black hair and carton of milk in his hand. 

Whenever I hear about volleyball, I get all excited and that's exactly what happened that day. I leaped towards the tangerine and slammed him against the wall. 

"What did you say about volleyball?" I question, and let go of my grip from him. 

"Um, well, Yachi is our manager, and well... Tanaka-senpai wanted another manager beauty since Kiyoko is so busy studying."

The tangerine boy had such a terrified look on his face and the boy with the milk carton pulled me back. 

"Don't mess with Hinata" he commanded firmly, his grin was so hideous, I almost wanted to puke.

"Sorry... I'm Y/n L/n. Pleasure to meet you. I am a crazy volleyball player so, whenever I hear anything to do with volleyball, I like to join in on the fun."

"Oh...right... more like murdering for fun..." Hinata muttered and sighed loudly. 

"I'm Shoyo Hinata and this is Tobio Kageyama, we are part of Karasuno's boy volleyball team!" Hinata cried, regaining his happy smile and energy.

We end up chatting for quite a while and they said that I could try out for the girls volleyball team. I replied that I had already applied but there were no more spots. Hinata suggested that I could watch their practice match with another school named Nekoma. I agreed eagerly and I couldn't wait will the end of the day.


I am early, and the boys haven't come around to  the gym yet. I am sitting down on a bench, playing my Nintendo Switch. 

And that's when I see him.

A pudding-haired boy is coming inside, wearing a red jacket over his uniform, which was red and black. And on the back of his jacket was the word Nekoma. A whole team follows him, and I can tell that their captain is the guy with rooster black hair. 

'That's our rival!' I think inside my head and almost die inside the game I am playing. I keep playing as I really want to defeat this level, but I keep dying and my shield keeps breaking. 

"You should upgrade your shield, it's really easy, the materials don't cost a lot."

I spin around. The pudding-haired boy was peering over my shoulder. 

"Here, let me help, Kuroo took my own Switch so I can't play anything right now."

I hand over the Switch and let him play around with my avatar and gear. Hinata and the others haven't come yet, after all, the Nekoma team are really early. We don't start until 4:30, and right now, it's only 3:50. 

"Oi! Kenma! I thought I took your Switch! Where did you find it?" the captain called and was heading towards us. 

The pudding-haired boy named Kenma was still playing and ignored Kuroo. I felt a bit nervous about what was going on. 

"Oi, no playing before the game!"

"Shut up," Kenma replied. "Here, try it now."

He handed back my Switch and I started the level again. The enemies died really easily and I onto the next level in a flash.

"OMG, thanks so much!" I exclaimed just as Hinata and Kageyama sped into the room.

They were all puffed and exhausted, what a waste of energy!

"Kenma!" Hinata cried and ran towards us on the bench.

"How the heck do you guys have that much energy?" I asked, and stood up, putting my hands on his shoulders.

"He always has that much energy, he's like a rocket with unlimited power. Right Kuroo?" Kenma said.

Kuroo nodded in agreement.

Hinata and Kageyama went to prepare and stretch, and Kenma and I kept playing my game. Even though Kuroo got really mad at us.

Kenma is really quiet, mostly like me. I don't really like large crowds and socialising isn't my thing. But whenever it come to volleyball, my heart opens up a lot more. Same with video games.

I watched their match and Karasuno won by a couple points. Yamamoto was really depressed after that but he and Tanaka kept staring at me like creeps.

Kenma friended me and we decided to play tomorrow online, since it's Saturday. Daichi treated us to meat buns after the match and Nishinoya kept begging for more. Everyone is so friendly here, I really fit in with everyone and the next tournament isn't  until three months away. Tanaka really wants me to join Yachi and Kiyoko so I could become their so called manager. 

I guess I really want to. I mean, there are no spots left on the girls team and I get to practise with the boys. Not saying that I don't want to, it's weird not practising with the girls. But it's a great opportunity and I think, I just might do it!


A/N: Welcome to my first ever X Reader! I really hope you enjoy and remember to stay tuned for updates! Pls don't judge since i have never written a x reader. :S Don't forget to vote as well! Thanks for reading! ~Sayo_ara

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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