I- comfort

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Lizzie storms into the room after having an argument with her dad.

Hope, who is painting, looks up at Lizzie, who walks over to the bed and throws herself onto it.

"Are you okay baby?" Hope asks with a worried look on her face.

Lizzie sighs, turning her gaze to Hope. Hope notices the tears in her eyes.

"Hey" The amburn haired girl says whilst putting the paint brush down and walking towards the blonde.

"It's okay, you can talk to me" She continues, whilst sitting next to Lizzie, who proceeds to rest her head on her knees.

"Can I have a hug?" Lizzie asks Hope softly.

Hope hearing the pain and sadness in Lizzies voice, without hesitation, she wraps her arms around the blonde, holding her tightly.

Lizzie hates showing her vulnerable, soft side, however with Hope it was all different.

She felt safe, She felt wanted. Hope was all she ever needed.

Lizzie looks up at hope, "can you lay down with me?" she asks.

Hope nods and smiles. She whispers the words "Retorius Speculo."

Stars immediately appear on the ceiling. A small smile appears on Lizzies face.

Hope lays her head down onto the pillow, as Lizzie rests her head on her chest. She pulls Lizzie closer to her, wrapping her arms around her.

"I love you Hope Mikaelson" Lizzie says whilst closing her eyes.

"I love you too Elizabeth Saltzman" Hope replies, whilst pecking Lizzies head.

She plays with Lizzies blonde locks as she watches her drift off to sleep.

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