The Animal Inside Us All

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Introduction: Rayne

          I’m one of the damned on my way to Hell. As dramatic as that sounds, it’s true. Sure, many people have said it before, but none quite grasping its true meaning. When I mean damned, I mean damned. When I say Hell, I mean Hell. No, this isn’t some half-brained remark. This is how society is today. No, this is how society has always been. If you were one of them, you were banished into the coldest, hottest and harshest climates of the world. The harshest being where I was headed. I was- I am on my way to the frigid, brutal tundra of Antarctica.

          Why am I being sent from a glowing metropolis to a freezing prison? Okay, I’ll tell you. It’s one word, just a small, simple word that will freeze your blood into ice. Humans cower from it and only the foolish pretend like they’re brave enough to take on monsters like them- like me. Alright, I’ve bored you enough. The word is…


          Nekos; the half-animal half-human being capable of splitting ground apart, breathing fire, slicing through walls using sound, evading the most brutal attacks of mankind and showing a person their deepest, darkest fears. There are no limits to a Neko’s species, ranging from dogs to lions to snakes to spiders. They’re Mother Nature’s last line of defense, existing born from the wild only to defend the wild. Yes, these are the beings that send fear down Human spines. There are even Neko’s names that can be spoken to silence a room. I know a few. Actually, I can think of a few right now. The one that I think of at the moment is Powers.

          But here I am, getting off track again. I haven’t explained why I’m such a big deal, why I’m so important. Listen up, because I’m only going to say this once. The first time I tried to explain this… Catastrophe, I left out key parts and names and what happened truly. I told the story for fun, but now, I tell the story of what led up to the biggest war in history, even worse than both World Wars put together. Let’s start with the basics.

          My name is Rayne Rivers and I’m fourteen years old. I lived in the United States of America in the proud national capitol of Washington D.C. I had two parents and two younger sisters who loved and adored me, and I loved and adored them back. They were the light of my life- before the accident.

          Nekos are Nekos at birth. When the doctors go and do all your blood work, they find a missing chromosome that’s been replaced by what we- THEY call Nekomania. Nekomania is the DNA link that changes and alters a baby’s DNA into a Neko. It contains and eventually overrides all the Human Genetics (Humonia) and begins the process that makes a monster. It’s impossible not to notice it, unless someone your DNA was changed overtime. Once they discover what you are, they ship you off to San Francisco, California where they lock you up in Alcatraz until you meet maturity. Then, they send you to one of four strongholds depending on how powerful you are, Antarctica being the holding center for the strongest, Hawaii for the weakest, and the Arctic Circle and Bermuda Triangle containing everything else.

          Like I explained, Nekos are Nekos at birth. There’s no loop around it, there’s no way to hide it. A Neko is simply a Neko.

          That was before they met me; the only- and I mean only- Neko not awakened at birth. I’m the only one over centuries that had altered DNA. I went from normal, average Human to monstrous, demonic Neko overnight.

          So here we are now, the modern day animals.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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