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It started with a swipe right.

I swiped right because you were fixing you cap with big ben looking down on you.
How curious I was to know you.
Then i noticed a blidfolded girl with red lipstick on
Maybe the curiosity lived within me and it held on

Then i said Hi while you said hello
I asked you where youre from, you said "i am from  the metro"
From the province you said, when i told you where im from
how bluntly you said it, it ok thats where i really am from

Minutes turn to an hour and hours turn into days
Look at us now, we are still together and thats 60 days
You jokingly called me beshie and it stuck like a glue
We did try to find other endearment but nothingcan take the beshie cue

I tried googling how to compare our 60 days together but couldnt see anything maybe our 60 days together cannot compare to anything
How blissfuly challenging it is
How blissfully wonderful it is

How lucky am i, to be loved by you
I have erred a millions times and still forgave me true
I wish we stay like this forever
For I wish to show you how i love you true

BeshieWhere stories live. Discover now