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Hello everyone, my name is Marinette Martha Wayne Cheng. Yes, yes , you heard correct , the only biological daughter of Bruce Wayne. So , let's start from the beginning,shall we?

So, one night ,my dad aka Bruce Wayne was not feeling very amazing meaning he was fu*ing tired from the day as in work to home to batman .so , not great. There he met Sabine Cheng. They talked and drinked and left the bar , got to Sabine's apartment and you know they did the ....... thing . You understand me .  They wake up in the morning in the bed , clothes scattered around the floor and they themselves naked . So they just decided to ingnore what they did . And went on their on way .

Sabine finds out that she is pregnant  but she still hasn't gotten anywhere in life . So , after she gave birth . She called Bruce and told him about the baby. He was shocked to say the least  but as the baby was his own daughter,he agreed.

Now on to story , shall we?

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