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hee, i don't know if you'll like it but i gonna post it and hope you enjoy :) and i don't know a name for the story, can you tell me one ? Thannkss, lots of love x 

Part 1

You and your boyfriend Jack sat in the car on your way to Amy a friend of Jack. You really loved Jack but you didn't know if he was treating you right, I mean like you too never just had a kiss, it was always making out. Yea he says 'I love you' but you thought he only loved you because of your body, your face, not who you are. He always wanted to have sex but you wasn't ready for that yet, you both just only had a relationship for almost 2 months now. Every time you pulled away he got angry, maybe he just want to have sex and then leave, but you loved him so you couldn't leave.. But anyway you where on your way to amy's. When you got there, there was an second car. 

'Does she lives with someone' you asked Jack. 

'No a friend of her's is also here'. Before Jack could knock onto the door the door opened and you saw a girl with brow hair and green eyes standing in the door 'Hi, so you are (Y/N), nice to meet you' she hugged you and took you in. You walked into the living room and saw Niall sitting there. 

;Niall, facking Niall Horan?; 

you thought 

;what is he doing here; 

'So this is Niall, Niall this is Jack and that is (Y/N)' Amy said smiling. Niall stood up an walked over to you while shaking your hand he said 

'Niall Ho' you cut him off 

'Niall Horan, yeah I know' you laughed a little he just smiled at you 

'Hands off she's mine' Jack put his arms around your waist. He then spins you around so you could face him, he kissed you and yep your where making out again, his hand going to your ass and he started sneezing in it. You didn't liked it when he did that, you opened your eyes and saw Niall watching you with a worried face. You quickly closed your eyes again. 

;what the fack; 

then Jack kissed you once again and walked with Amy to the kitchen. 

'He isn't treating you right, sorry but no sorry' 

;did facking niall horan just said to you that he isn't treating you right;

you where in shook. 

'A real men just don't do that' 

'Well, I like it when he does that' you said with a fake smile 

'Why where your eyes open when he did it'. You didn't know what to say and just looked at the ground. 

'Amy you don't understand I really love you but I only gonna break up with her if I finally get her in my bed, but every time I want to do it she 'isn't ready for it', that bitch' You heard Jack saying from out of the kitchen. You got tears in your eyes and looked up. You walked to the kitchen and saw Jack and Amy kssing, you walked uo to Jack and slapped him 

'I thought you loved me' 

'Yes ofcourse I do' jack said really fake 'Why would you say something like that and why the hell did I found you cheating on me'. 

'I don't know where you're talking about' 'No no, I heard it, and you'll never get me in your motherfacking bed, And I'm not blind Jack, I saw it, Jack we are over!' You stormed back to the living room, you sat down on a chair crying. 

'Come babe I'll bring you home' Niall took your arm and you stood up walking with him to his car, you hopped in. 

'I said he wasn't treating you right' 

'Y-yes... Niall... You did' you wiped your tears away. 

'Before you take me home, can we please go eat something I'm starving' Niall smiled like crazy and drove you too to Nandos.

i know it's not long, sorry ;$

please leave your opinion - should i go on ? 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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