Some Dumb Redneck

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Note: I do not own nor am I affiliated in any way with The Walking Dead

Note 2: Rick kind of starts out as an asshat, not really sure why. This takes place about a week after Aaron asked Daryl to be recruiter

"Where the hell is he?" Rick growled, pacing back and forth.

"I'm sure he's fine," Maggie said.

"Yeah," Glenn agreed, "This is Daryl, he can look after himself."

"I know he can, but we still don't know anything about these people," Rick said.

"He don't tend to wander off this long without at least telling someone he's gonna be gone neither," Abraham added.

"There he is!" Carl exclaimed from his place near the window. They all turned and, sure enough, Daryl walked through the door a few moments later. He stopped short at seeing the whole group standing there staring at him.

"The hell?" he said, "Y'all throwin' a party or somethin'?"

"Where have you been?" Rick asked roughly, stepping forward.

"Been out," Daryl said.

"Out where?" Rick asked and Daryl looked at him questioningly.

"On a run," Daryl said in a tone that suggested Rick should've known this. "Lookin' fer people. Supplies."

They all stared at him blankly.

"I told ya'll I was goin'," Daryl said.

"When?" Michonne questioned.

"Few days ago," Daryl replied, "Said they wanted me to be a recruiter and go out, try to find people and stuff."

"Deanna never said she asked you to do that," Maggie said.

"Deanna ain't the one that asked me," Daryl said.

"Who did?" Rick asked quickly.

"Aaron," Daryl said, "He's got a bike I'm fixin' up. Once it's done I'll be able to take it out, go farther."

"When did he ask you to be a recruiter?" Carol asked him.

"When you were at that party," Daryl replied. "I went over there. Had dinner. He showed me the bike." Daryl shrugged like it was no big deal, but the group was all still staring at him.

"Daryl, are you sure this is a good idea?" Glenn asked.

"The hell ya talkin' about? You people were wanting me ta try an' fit in," Daryl said, "Now I'm doin' that an' yer complainin'?"

"We're not complaining Daryl," Tara said.

"We just don't think it's a good idea for you to be outside the walls on your own with only one of these people as backup. It's different here-"

"Is it?" Daryl challenged.

"Yes, we're all here," Rick said, "We can look out for each other-"

"When Rick? When you and Michonne are out 'keepin' the peace'? When Maggie is followin' Deanna around? When Carol's cookin' fer old people? You're all out there, talkin' ta them and tryna fit in. An' me? I do the same damn thing an' none of ya even hear when I tell ya an' then ya go off on me!"

"Daryl-" Rick started, but it was too late, Daryl had already stormed out of the house.

It was late and Daryl wasn't totally sure where he going. Somehow he found himself standing on Aaron and Eric's porch.

"The hell 'm I doin'?" he muttered before turning around. He was about to head down the steps when the door opened.

"Daryl?" Eric said, "Is everything okay?"

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