A Very Good Morning

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Hey look! A Wander over Yonder fanfiction!

Based off a dream I had, except I will change some stuff because.. dreams are weird, let's face it.

I would like to credit someone on reddit for the title idea. Thanks person!

Also a few notes:

I might accidentally write Wakko instead of Wander because my brain is dumb and they both start with W, and also don't expect this fic to come out everyday or every weekend because I'm still working on Super Wakko Galaxy and I wanted to try writing something different lol.

Well, let's begin!


Part 1: A Very Good Morning

What Wander saw when he woke up from his hour-long slumber, was a bright orange sky and a much brighter white ball in the distance.

The ball moved upward and Wander beamed. It was morning!

The orange nomad warily crawled out of his hat - trying not to wake up his best friend Sylvia who was still dozing - and went onto to the dusty ground. He grabbed the green floppy hat and set it on his fuzzy head.

Wander looked around the jungle-like planet for a hint of food, but only saw a bunch of the pear-colored leaves on the cinnamon-hued trunks of trees, a waterfall cascading down gracefully; the same color of the arctic planets nearby, and a river roaming across the planet.

Wander tilted his head, there was nothing here that could be counted as breakfast. Except for bugs.. gross.

Well, it's not like he looked around the planet. He might as well do so, besides, he wanted to see the rest of this gorgeous place anyway.

But before he left, he had to tell Sylvia of course. He didn't want her to worry when she woke up; that would've been a terrible way to start the day.

"Pssst.. Sylvia.." Wander whispered. The zbornak didn't open her eyes, but her smile lowered down a bit.

"Mmrf.. huh?" Sylvia replied drowsily, with her right eye very slightly open.

"I'm going to go look for breakfast.. I'll be right back."

"Alright.. stay safe." Sylvia replied quickly and quietly, her eye shutting closed again at that moment. "I'll be up in 5 minutes."

"Okay!" Wander said in a louder volume while walking off.

He skipped through the trees, ignored the spiders, avoided the vines, and went as fast as the wind.

He stopped when the long wall of trees ended, and a circular patch of grass had been revealed. The sun of the planet shone down on the grass, making it an emerald color to a peridot color.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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