The Beggining

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Not everyone on the world lives an incredible lives,having everything they could ever wish for around them and parents who support them no matter what. Someone's parents died when they were young, some got abandoned. This is the story about five girls who studied in Holland medical university and had much in common. Fine, not much but all five were abandoned and would always support each other emotionally.
Esther and Victoria=rich girls who lived luxurious life before loosing parents, center of attention in all parties
Francesca and Isabella=duo that would always choose education over any entertainment.
Elizabeth=she is a whole different story,she never liked communicating with people much and was an introvert who likes reading books to death.
Finally summer holidays came and girlies decided to rent a house to spend it together. The house had too floors, and gave pretty much ancient vibes, because there were variations of antiques. All in all living there felt like taking a role in horror movie with slander-man or penny wise. When ladies entered the house, Elizabeth started getting head aches getting more pain-full everyday. In order to dispel her head she wanted to find an intriguing game to play with her home mates. So they decided to play Yes or No with Charlie. Esther didn't believe in those kind of games but decided to give it a try.
On Tuesday,at night all girls gathered together on second floor. Game became more horrific by the time, and Esther mentioned the fact that she told them it would be better if the just watched a movie. It didn't stop other girls and they continued unless door behind Elizabeth magically opened. It freaked all of them out and they left the room with load screams. To forget the whole incident they all wanted to sleep as quickly as they possibly can.
The next morning girls decided not to discuss previous nights incident and just wanted to clean the house and throw the papers with articles yes and no that were left on the second floor. When they opened the door they were all in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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