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It's another beautiful day at Amber Beach, at the Dino Cafe. As the rangers are back together fighting a new threat and continuing the search for the last two energems, Amelia resumes her dance classes at the community centre. Amelia missed her time alone with Ivan at the cottage in Zandar, but their ranger duties always come first.

At the Cafe, Amelia and Ivan sat together at a booth on their lunch break. with Ivan cuddling Amelia from behind. "Are you alright, love?" Ivan asked, noticing Amelia lean into him more and not speaking so much.

"It's just

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"It's just... I wish we could go back to the cottage," Amelia revealed.

"I know my darling, I miss it too. But you know we must defeat Snide and locate the last two energems,"

"Did you notice the way Snide was speaking?" Amelia asked him.

"What do you mean?" Ivan asked back in confusion.

"Well, he told Iceage, 'Don't hurt the yellow one.' I think he was referring to me," Amelia revealed to Ivan with slight fear in her voice.

"I will not let anything happen to you my love, I love you so much," Ivan promised.

"I love you too Ivan with all my heart," Amelia looked up at Ivan, as he kissed her lightly on the lips.

As the couple enjoyed their break, Heckyl walked into the cafe, causing a little mischief. Heckyl may have underestimated the rangers' abilities but he won't take them so lightly the next time he faces them in battle. Heckyl gently tapped a young boy on his shoulder, as he turned his head, Heckyl stole his ice cream. "Thank you," Heckyl jokes.

"Hey! My ice cream!" the boy cried.

As he walked to the kitchen, he threw the ice cream on a stool. "Ah! What's that?" a young woman groaned as she sat on the ice cream, staining her dress.

Amelia and Ivan turn around when they hear the disturbance. "Did you hear that?" Amelia asked her love. He nodded in agreement. "We should check that out," Amelia said. Again, Ivan nodded and followed the noise of the commotion. The two of them walked toward the woman, still grunting from the ice cream on her seat.

"Excuse me, miss? Is everything alright?" Amelia asks her.

"No! That man stole that kid's ice cream, then threw it on my chair that I sat on! He needs to be kicked out immediately!" The woman screams, almost in tears.

"We sincerely apologize for the experience you had, miss. We'll see what we can do." Ivan offers a slight smile, attempting to reassure the woman.

"And, what can I get you guys?" Riley got ready to take the customers' orders when he recognized the person at the table. "Burt?"

"Hey, Brainiac" Burt sneered at Riley. "Is that you?"

Burt and Riley were classmates when they were younger. While Riley excelled in the classroom, Burt had a harder time. But what Burt lacked in intelligence, he made up for in athleticism. Burt is a skilled track and field star, winning numerous awards and championships. To say that Burt loathed Riley is a bit of an understatement.