Introducing The Boys 1

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Brown eyes open, seeing nothing but a ceiling fan over him.

This was Blake, better known as Shorty. That's been his nickname ever since he met that idiot.

He's talking about his old friend, Donny. They met as teenagers. Donny was less serious back then...he'd broke up a fight, between Shorty and these three other boys. Ah the look on their faces when Donny jumped in to help..Shorty remembers having gotten his ass beat pretty badly. He had fell on his back, and that's when Donny stepped in.

He always had a way with words..he's gotten them out of many confrontations since then. Silly, and annoying..yeah Donny was definitely an idiot.

But Shorty would be lying if he said Donny wasn't his only friend. No matter how mean he was to Donny, the idiot wouldn't leave him alone.

Eventually Shorty just gave in. He accepted that this guy just wanted to be near him. Maybe he had some sorta dark home-life..who knew really. Hell Donny even joined the gang because Shorty wanted to. He's like a lost puppy without him..

The short man sits up, glancing around his tiny apartment. He had a mattress on the floor, where he slept, a mini fridge in the kitchen area, and a tore up recliner. That's it. The little dump he calls home.

He groans as he stands up, his body not as young as it used to be. Today was an important day though. Their boss had plans today. He was still relatively new to being a gang leader, so he wasn't doing very many big jobs yet. Though, that suited Shorty just fine. Less heat from the cops.
He tugs on his jeans, and then the there's a knock at the door. He knows exactly who it is.

With no shirt on or socks, he unlocks and opens the door. Black shades are the first thing he sees.

Donny: "Hey pal. You're not ready yet?"

The taller man was all smiles, and Shorty most definitely was not.

Shorty: "Look, the bastards lucky I'm even showing up this early. He better take what he can get."

Donny follows Shorty into the living room, closing the front door behind him.

Donny: "Now know you shouldn't be sassin' the boss like that. He's the leader for a reason."

Shorty: "Pfft..he sits on his ass while we all do the dirty work..far as I care, he's worthless."

Donny smiles a bit more, speaking in that stupid soft voice.

Donny: "You're always so grouchy in the mornings. How about I buy you a coffee on the way to the hideout?"

Shorty glances back at him, his face not too amused.

Shorty: "Yeah, whatever."

He pulls the shirt over his head, and Donny can't help but look at his back. He's always been real scrawny..and covered in random cuts and bruises. Shorty loved to fight, even if he got his ass kicked most times. What's the word? Hot headed...

Shorty: "Let's go."

The two exit the apartment, Shorty grabbing his grey jacket at the door, and head to the hideout, not without getting Shorty the coffee Donny promised. Luckily, it does calm his mood a bit.

As they approach the run down, abandoned diner, there's a member outside. They're all greasers, sharing the slicked back black hair and black coats. Donny wore shades, and Shorty didn't fit the usual description, so they were easily identifiable.

They get closer, and Donny notes the way the hairs styled, shorter than the other guys. It's Veto.

Veto: "Bit late you two."

Donny: "Sorry, had to make a quick stop.."

Veto stares down at Shorty, who flips him off saying "Bite me" as he walks on inside.

Donnys eyes flick back to Veto. He was thankful his nervous expression was hidden by the shades.

Veto: "You'd better get control of your boy. He's gonna get his ass kicked if he keeps up the attitude."

Donny: "Sorry about that..I' to him about it."

Veto rolls his eyes. He knew Donny couldn't control him, and he also knew Donny would try to defend him in a fight. Veto wasn't too happy they joined up a few months ago. Come to think of it..nobody in the gang is happy they joined, except the boss.

Donny quickly escapes the hostile air, and hunts down Shorty, who's in the back of the place at a booth. Donny sits directly in front of him, speaking softly so the other greasers wouldn't hear him.

Donny: "Shorty, are you trying to get us into a fight?"

Shorty: "Look, we got a job to do here. That's it. I'm not here to make friends. Everyone pulls their own weight and keeps their nose outta my business, we'd be just fine."

Donny takes his shades off, rubbing his face a bit, before opening his eyes.
Light blue eyes meet Shortys brown ones.

Donny: "Could you just tone it down..please."

Shorty realizes he's staring, and quickly looks away.

Shorty: "F-fine.."

Donny smiles slightly, and that's when a familiar voice calls out.

"Donny, Shorty, my office."

The two share a look, and Donny puts his shades back on as they walk to the bosses office.
He closes the door, and steps around the desk and sits back into his large chair, hands together.

"I want you two to go out today, to our target, and scope out the area. Specifically how long it would take the majority of the cops to get there. Think you two can handle that?"

Shorty: "You kidding me? Do we look like we can't handle it?"

The boss smiles.
"Then get it done."

Shorty turns to leave, but Donny stays.

Donny: "Will be apart of the break in?"

"Yes, I have other plans for you two at that time. Meanwhile, Donny, take care of your boy. I don't want any fights here, and I'll make that very clear in today's meeting while you are out."

Donny smiles slightly.

Donny: "Thanks, O'Riley."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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