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It never occurred to me that I would die this way. I had always pictured my death to be a peaceful one, where I would sleep and never wake up. Running for my life in the middle of nowhere was not a part of my plan.

Working in my dad's company sheron global was not the way I planned on spending my summer. o.k I know being in my final year in havard, I needed experience with work and the business environment to pass my final exams for the last semester, but c'mon, sheron global?? There was nothing worse than working in a company who preyed on the fears and failures of others, and besides my father's money was blood money. I opened my journal and wrote down today's date.
Today: may 12 2012
I have never been so angry in my life. I am going to start working soon and I am not looking forward to it. Keller came early to work today..I can never get tired of looking at his body. O.k I know he just started his job as pool boy and most frankly, he's not my type but, there is just something about him I can't seem to place my finger on. Today's to do ; get up from bed, get to work, ogle Keller, hang with granma Jo e.t.c

I got up from bed washed up and sat down again to arrange what I was going to wear. It had been a month since I last went to the mall, and I had worn the clothes I bought so, I could not wear them again. I settled for my grey chanel suit and my red louboutins. Talk about attention. Living with my dad and my elder brother, I had come to learn the way men thought and I had toughened myself against heartbreak. My dad was never the man to be seen with a woman more than twice, I always wondered why his investors never questioned him for his ways, but I really didn't blame him because ever since mum died, he vowed never to love again but that that didn't mean that his balls wont get some action and frankly, he seemed really agile for his age. I got downstairs and met another one of his bimbos on the family table."goodmorning, Charlotte " I said. "I'm Cindy not Charlotte, Stacy I don't know how many times I have to remind you". "Oh sorry candy, I always seem to mix up your names with my dads other escorts". "I am not an escort,in fact, your father and I are getting married next spring and you should be looking forward to it, since you are going to be my maid of honour". I suddenly burst out laughing,"I give you two weeks, you don't stand a chance with my father but since you look quite serious, I'll give you a benefit of doubt" and with that, I left the mansion. My greatest pride was my lexus 2011 which my dad got me on my 21st birthday.

I arrived at the office earlier than I thought and settled down. My job exactly, was to be a

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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