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At Shigure house.

Tohru and the others were in the living room talking.

Shigure: You know Tohru, you're the 2nd person who been able to help out Kyo.

Tohru: Wait, really? Who was the 1st?

The mood suddenly change and Yuki, Kyo and Shigure gained a sad expression.

Shigure: He was a close friend to the Soma family, you could say this person was like a big brother to these two.

Tohru: Woah, really?! May I ask who it is, and where they are?

Shigure: *sad* *sighs* Unfortunately, him and his family died in a car accident.

Tohru gasp in shock.

Tohru: Oh, I'm sorry...I didnt mean to bring up a painful memory.

Yuki: No, it quite alright.....His name was Dabi, and like Shigure said he was like a big brother to us.

Kyo: Yeah, he was the only one who wasn't afraid of my true form.


Young Kagura had accidentally taken off Kyo arm bracelet, but then Kyo suddenly transform into a hideous creature. Kagura was in shock and terrified at what she saw and ran away, but while she was running she saw a boy walking toward Kyo.

 Kagura was in shock and terrified at what she saw and ran away, but while she was running she saw a boy walking toward Kyo

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Kagura: What are you doing?! Run away!

??: Hmph, just leave.

Kagura just continue running, but the boy stood in front of the monster.

??: *sighs* So you been cast aside because of this side of you.

Kyo: Get back, stay away from me!

??: Yeah sorry, but that's not gonna happen, I'm not just abandon someone, when their clearly hurting inside. I may not understand what happening, but what I do know is that you are in alot of pain.

The boy started walking toward the creature, but the backed away, until he had nowhere to go.

Kyo: Stay back!!

The creature then tries to attack the boy, but the boy dodges the attack and runs up to the creature and dodge an incoming strike, and was able to give the creature a surprise attack.

The creature didnt feel hurt, but instead he felt arms wrapped around him.

??: It's okay I got you. We may not know each other, but I want you to know that it's okay.

The creature eyes widen in shock at the boy's words.

After the creature managed to calm down he transformed back into a cat. The boy just smiled and held the cat in his arms.

??: Get some rest okay buddy. *strokes the cat gently*

Flashback ends

Kyo smiled as he remembers how Dabi saved him back then.

Tohru: Wow. That's amazing! So he wasn't afraid of you at all?

Kyo: No, no he wasn't. When I looked in his eyes, I didnt see fear, I saw concern. To be honest I thought I didnt deserve it, but in the end I realized, that and acceptance is what I was looking for.

Shigure: Aw Kyo look at you showing your true emotion like that.

Kyo: Gah, no I wasn't!!

Yuki: *sighs* And his back to being a idiot.

Kyo: Oh shut you dumb rat!! Grrr, I'm out of here!! *leaves*

Shigures: *chuckles* Aw that Kyo always having a problem showing his true feelings.

Tohru: Hehe, yeah, but tell me what was this Dabi guy like, if you dont mind me asking?

Shigure looked at Tohru and smiled at her.

Shigure: Well, believe it or not, Akito really cared about Dabi.

Tohru: What really?

Shigure: *nods* Yip, you could say Dabi was like a little brother to Akito, she truly cared for him and his family.

Tohru: Wait, so this Dabi guy knew about the Zodiac signs as well?

Shigure: *nods* Yes indeed he did. Akito was the one who told him about it, and he promise her not to tell anyone about it, surprisingly he didnt tell a soul, not even his parents, he just acted like he never knew about it.

Tohru: How old was Dabi?

Shigure: I would have to say about, the same age as Yuki, but Dabi was older than Yuki by a few months.

Tohru: So, who all views Dabi as a older brother?

Shigure: Well, Yuki, Haru, Kyo, and another one that you havent met yet.

Tohru: That incredible.

Shigure: Though it was a shame when we received the news, about him and his parents death. Akito took it the worse. It felt as if she had lost another part of herself, we all did.

Tohru: I wished I could have gotten to meet him.

Shigure: I get the feeling that if you did, you two would become great friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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