Questions Unmarked

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Taking the lollipop out of his mouth,

"Hey, Mason!" He flings his arms around my shoulders.

"Oh, hello Gale." I take the lollipop and chew it.

"Heyhey, wanna come to an arcade after?"

"Oh, uhhh... Sure, why not?"

"See you then." He gives me a kiss on the cheek

and then walk off.

Mutters turned into screams.    
Screams turned into laughter.
Laughter turned into silence.



"Mason... Wake up!"

He grabs my hand and makes a run for it.


"The demons took notice of our escape."

"What demons?..They're just a myth, you must be seeing things, we were at school just a minute ago?"

"What? No, that was three months ago, are you okay?"

"No! We were going to the arcade?!- Don't you remember!?"

He stops and looks at me.

"Mason, three months ago, there was a meteor bomb, about to blow half the earth to bits. Half of Japans Kondo region, was bombed to smithereens. Demons, now roam the surface of whats left of the earth, only 25 people of Japan survived."

"What?! It was only a minute ago you asked me if you wanted to go to the Arcade..."

He starts running again.

"You must've hit your head hard yesterday."
"But yes, the government saw ahead of time that the meteor bomb was headed to obliterate half the earth and it's people. So they created cacoon-like machinery. Fit to survive any natural hazard, they could only fit one person each in the machine."

"So, we're basically stuck in a simulation?"

"What're you talking about? We're the luckier ones who got to survive, alright, just turns out we may have woken up a little earlier than planned. But i'm just glad we're together..."

"Ain't that the truth... I don't know what i would've done without you though. Your cooking is amazing."

"Yeah well, i learnt from my father, now, we should walk further and try set up camp to sleep for the night, and search for other people in the morning."

"Okay dokey, i'll follow you sir."

"You didn't have to go that rough."
"My ass is burning."

"Yeah well we might get eaten by monsters sooner or later, so i wanted to hear my name out of your mouth once again before we do."

"Perverted asshole."

"Yes. This asshole has done it many times before, so i thought you'd got use to it."
"I'll do it again. We could go all night."

I sit there for a couple of minutes.


"All night? Who's the horny one now?"

"Fuck off, just do it."

"No stopping."

We did it from 1am to 6.

He actually meant it when he said no stopping and going all night.
Fucking maniac.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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