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Before reading this story, I want to let you know this was a requested Victor×Helena fanficion. Please, even if you don't ship this, don't slander the ship in the comments as even I personally don't ship it, let's just others have fun with their comfort ships, okay?

TWs: Death, Violence, Gore, Guns, Medical equipment

A match, nothing out of ordinary, it happens multiple times everyday and it's not like any of them can stop it. The game was played at location called "Sacred heart hospital". The survivors didn't know much about it as they never had enough time to look at it more than with naked eye while running away from the hunter, all they knew is that it's old abandoned hospital and it's area with alot of broken structures. The match consisted of 4 survivors as usual, this time The Coordinator, The Mind's eye, The Postman and The "Prisoner". The game itself was going suprisingly well, it seemed like the hunter just.. wasn't there... but it was good news for the survivors, they were just decoding and decoding. When there were only 2 ciphers left Martha and Luca met up at one and Helena with Victor met up at the other one. Helena and Victor were good friends because they understood eachother's struggles and helped eachother when possible. Helena understood Victor's muteness and Victor understood Helena's blindess. Helena knew Victor liked to listen to other people because it made him less anxious and happy that the other survivos trust him. "Hey is it just me that hasn't been able to sleep recently..?" She said quietly and looked at Victor which to he nodded in confusion. "I just haven't been able to sleep normally and I'm extremely tired, desoriented even at some points. Not being able to pay attention to all of this... noise around us.." She stayed quiet for a while and so did Victor, as he didn't know how to react. "Ah just ignore what i just said. I'm sure it will pass soon and until then I'll be fine. And even if something happened, Emily is always here for us hopefully." Victor nodded in agreement of the last part of Helena's sentence. Helena started just rambling about more stuff while they continued decoding. Victor finds it calming when people talk to him during matches, it's like he can forget about the fact he's stuck in this hell of a game. Suddenly the sound of their heartbeat has started to ring in their ears. Victor signed to Helena that the hunter is near just in case she didn't hear it over her own rambling. What he did not notice is that she wasn't Looking at him while signing. After a while of hearing the same heartbeat over and over again that can probably make a person go insane, the first of the two ciphers popped on Luca's and Martha's side. They immediately ran to the nearest gate to wait for the final cipher. It made both Helena and Victor happy hearing the sound of the cipher, it reminded them that it's almost over since their own cipher was almost done. Victor felt like the heartbeat got more intense, as if the hunter was even more near and signed to Helena to hold on and not pop the cipher but she was too busy already imagining how they'll run away, all four of them. Victor stepped away from the cipher and as soon as Helena popped it, the metal shined in red light. Helena only then realised her mistake as she saw those red, piercing eyes of detention time.
Martha and Luca were opening the gate as soon as the eerie sound of siren filled the whole location of the map. They were both really excited that no one got downed this game. Little did they know that on the other side of the map, two of their teammates were fighting for their survival.
Sounds. Important part of the game, they always let you know when something's happening, they still get... overwhelming sometimes.
The sound of the siren, heartbeat, the scream of hit survivor and the announcement of one precious little doll being broken and dropped on the ground like it's just a game. And that's what it is, right? Only a game? Except this isn't a game, it's a nightmare that became their own reality. "A survivor has been downed by the hunter!" Was heard from all directions as it was announced by the game. Luca was worried Martha would try to go for rescue but hoped that it would be okay since she still has her gun.. And if something were to happen he himself has his stun ready to use at any moment. Luca still held Marta near the gate anyways as they didn't know what is happening on the other side of the map, but they still had right reason to be worried for both Victor and Helena. Helena, who was now on the ground and Victor who had to watch the whole thing happen. Helena almost immediately got picked up by the hunter but instead of going to put her on the chair right away, he tried hitting Victor instead to which Helena closed her eyes. She didn't want to see Victor get hit as it isn't pleasant sight in any way. But.. there wasn't any sound? Nothing that said Victor got hit and is now on the ground in pain? She opened her eyes to.. not see Victor at all? The Hunter moved both his body and Helena only to turn around to face Victor who made the hunter miss and hit the wall behind him instead. Victor even though being too focused on not getting hit quickly looked at Helena in
comforting manner as he knows how terrifying this whole thing is, even after experiencing it hundreds of times before. Victor was doing pretty well, he was dodging every attack aimed towards him by the hunter until.. "A survivor has been downed by the hunter!" followed by the quiet cry of Helena falling to the ground as she struggled free. She quickly looked at Victor who despite being on the ground in pain after getting hit, he signed the word 'run' to Helena. She panickly stood up and ran as fast as she could to one of the exists that she though Martha and Luca will be at. She wanted to tell Victor how sorry she was but all she could do is gasp for air to try to keep her weak body going. As soon as she was close enough to the gate and has spotted her teammates she yelled "Martha! Victor is on the ground, we have to help him!" Luca ran to Helena for support to help her walk to the gate "Martha, if the gun stun won't be long enough, run." He said quietly while walking past The Coordinator. She didn't say a word before running to Victor in straight line to get there the fastest she can. Unfortunately by the time she arrived there, she could already hear Victor struggling to get off of the chair and out of the tight rope weighting him down and burning his skin with every bad move. The hunter was just standing there, glaring at Victor gasping for air inbetween individual attempts to escape. Victor's weak body being covered in red light of the hunter and his eyes. Martha hated this sight, every time she went for rescue she could hear the silent cries of her fellow teammates trapped in this game. No matter how many times she saw it, she couldn't get used to seeing the pain in their eyes and the blood on their body. She came to the chair from behind to avoid getting hit before attempting to save Victor. When she was close enough, she pushed the trigger activating her flaregun and hit the hunter making him desoriented with the smoke the gun caused. She then immediately untied Victor while the hunter slowly got back his senses under control "Victor go! I'm right next to you!" They then both ran as fast as they could, Martha being somewhat faster due to Victor's body being damaged. The hunter grabbed his weapon even more tightly and went after both of them. They all know too well that the Hunter is overally physically stronger than them and definitely faster too. Victor knew it too well as he tried to overcome this problem by his speed boost too many times. As the hunter got closer he knew something needed to be done. He pushed Martha out of the way of the hit, usually the rescuers are the ones doing this but he couldn't let it happen this time, he wouldn't be fast enough to get out of there even if Martha got hit. "Victor what are you-?!"
"A survivor has been downed by the hunter!" As he was falling on the ground again he pushed Martha's leg a bit forward to let her know to go and not look back as he could not scream. She thankfully for The Postman understood what he wanted to say and ran. On the other end, Luca was already cursing the whole game, the hunter and himself in his mind. Helene had to stop him from going to as he would say it 'shock that damn bastard'. Neither of them knew who was currently on the ground and both of them were worried, Luca felt the need to at least protect Helena for now so he stood in front of her in the gate, hoping at least one of the two would show up. And his wish came true, not too long after Martha came running to them, apologising for not being able to rescue Victor. Luca knowing detention time will end soon wanted to wait till it ends to go rescue as he still has his electric charge but there was one thing he didn't think about. Victor's weak and basically paralyzed body was thrown on chair once again where he couldn't struggle again like he did the first time. The clock on the chair got silent. They let out their last sound, their last tick, signaling that the rocket on the chair was about to go off. Victor closed his eyes and accepted the fact all of them aren't getting out this time. Luca, standing in front of both of the girls in the gate noticed the rocket going off in the sky first. He clenched his fist and got into supportive position for Helena so she can hold onto him while walking. "We're going." "But what about Victo-" "Don't worry Martha, we're going to meet him at the manor." Martha knowing what that means helped Luca get Helena out of there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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