-:-About Robert-:-

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"Robert, Robert Willison."

"Hm. Age?"


"Okay. Now, what is your date of birth?"

"December 28th, 1999."

"Mhm... Well, thank you for your corporation. Have a goodnight."

"No problem. Sleep well."


Patient File- 2,890.

'Willison, Robert'

Age: 21 Height: 5'8" Weight: 112lbs Gender: M Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Black


Security Level: Medium

Visits: Fridays (Only if they choose. DO NOT FORCE PATIENT.)

Medication: None (They never work.)

Disorders: Schizophrenia, PTSD, Depression, OCD, and Anorexia.

!-WARNINGS-! (Follow these rules. ALL OF THEM.)

-Don't scare patient.

-Don't talk about family nor friends.

-Don't force patient to speak, or eat in front of people.

-Don't raise your voice.


-If patient is talking with someone you can't see, don't interact, just listen.

-If patient is having a panic attack, try your best to calm them. if that doesn't work, call for help.

-If patient is sleeping, DO NOT WAKE UP FOR ANY REASON. (Except a life-or-death situation.)

-Do not let patient see that you are ANYTHING but happy.

Patients likes and dislikes:


- Rain (Not thunderstorms) - Loud noises

- Coloring - Most foods

- Writing - Crowded places

- Reading - Talking

That's all we know about what the patients likes and dislikes. Patient doesn't talk much.

Extra info:

Patient was abused most his life by his father, who is a drunk. Patients mother left when patient was only two. On July 2nd, 2007, young seven-year-old Robert Willison was found in their home, knife in hand, sitting in their living room, covered in blood. Their father's blood. They had killed their father in his sleep. When patient was found, their bones were visible, and their eyes held no life. They looked like a broken doll. Young Robert Willison was taking into the care of the asylum at only 9 years of age. We have made no progress ever since their 11th birthday. It seems the patient is lonely but doesn't want to be around their fellow patients. May they find peace and hope in their heart for forgiveness and solitude.

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