A Painful Introduction

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Ringing stung the woman's ears as her vision flickered into view . Where was she ? What was going on again?? That's when a voice she always dreaded called out to her .
" Good morning darling!~ It's been a while since we've last seen eachother. " An older woman standing across the room turned to face Nara, " Oh the joy it brings me to see my adorable niece again.~ "
Nara frantically gasped trying to fight the restraints of the chair she was locked in. The Woman looked up to Her aunt who had approached her with a cynical expression. " Let me go you wicked bitch! " Nara practically screamed as she only struggled more.

A laugh emerged from the woman in the trench coat as she grabbed Nara's bottom jaw silencing her , " Be grateful you're still around you damned slut. "

Nara bit down roughly on the woman's hand causing her hand to retreat . The girl hung her head in silence trying to catch her breath. " What the hell do you want from me Vanessa?.. " Nara stated shuttering at the cold air of the lab practically sticking to her body .
  Nara's proclaimed Aunt Vanessa grinned almost ear to ear as she circled the restraint chair . The Aunt voice cooed out in a soft tone , " Well I just thought you should be informed about your situation darling , besides it's not like your mother or father is around to do it for you! " As the words bitterly fell from Vanessa's lips she rested her hand on Nara's shoulder and sunk her nails in just enough to cause pain before walking back to a chair directly infront of Nara. Vanessa sat gingerly on the chair and gave the most toothy wicked grin she could muster, " Oh where to start, you've got so much to learn my poor poor child. "

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