Mac and Charlie Get Drunk

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Authors note: This is my oldest fic! I started it when i joined so it's about 2 and a half years old! Hope it's not too bad, I don't feel like fixing it too much.
Warning: Brief mention of rape in the normal IASIP gang fashion.

1:05 P.M. On A Friday Philadelphia, PA "I don't understand dude, why is it so bad for someone to bang someone when they're drunk. It's just banging, why does it even matter?"

"Charlie, that's like rape." Sweet Dee said as she sipped her open beer. "Rape gets you in a shit ton of trouble, Charlie. Plus it's even worse for you since you're a guy."

"Ah, yeah that's true I guess." Charlie agreed as he gulped down half his beer. It took him a minute before he actually let what Dee said settle in. "Wait, what? No one said I was going to rape anyone!"

"Charlie's raping who?" Mac questioned as he strode into the pub, carrying a crate of new alcohol. Dennis followed behind, though not carrying anything because he had probably talked Mac into doing all the hard work for him.

Dennis snorted. "Wow, that's a new low even for you Charlie. So,whose the lucky lady?"

"No, stop! Shut up, Charlie's not raping anyone!" Charlie screeched. "I have never or ever will rape anyone,ok?! I'm not that desperate. Plus, you know I'm only after the waitress."

"Good luck with that. You still can't even keep a conversation with her going, man." Mac set the crate down on one of the tables and tossed a new beer to Charlie, who barely caught it, trying to think of some sort of comeback before he was interrupted by Dee.

"Goddammit, Mac, don't you dare drink all the new beers. We need them for the customers!" Dee whined as she snatched the crate away and placed it on top of the bar. "Well, the few customers that you assholes don't scare away that is."

"Oh shut up, Dee. We aren't going to get drunk off these. How dumb do you think we are?"

"Mac and Charlie Get Drunk"

"Dude, these beers taste amazing. What do you think they put in them?"

"Uh, probably the ingredients of beer, Charlie." Mac said sarcastically as he took a swig of the drink. "Who bought these beer anyway?"

"I think it was Dennis, I mean that seems like something he would do,right?"

"Oh yeah, you're right for once, Charlie. I remember he had me carry those crates in because his girly hands were hurting him or some shit. The little bitch." Mac gulped down the remainder of his beer, leaning his weight on the bar as he did so. He let out a burp.

"Hey, where the hell did Dennis and Dee go anyway?"

Charlie finished his beer off and did just as Mac. "I dunno man, think they went out to go prance around in their fancy clothes, or something?"

Mac snorted in agreement, leaned over , and grabbed two more beers. He forced one into Charlie's hand and sat back on the stool.

"Wait did Dee say anything about drinking these again?" Mac popped the cap off of his bottle and held it up to his mouth.

"Yeah, I think she said drink as much as you can because she was ganna toss 'em or something." Charlie struggled with opening his bottle, his vision had already started blurring.

"That sounds like something she would say." Mac imitated Sweet Dee. " Meh, I'm Dee and I'm so high and mighty!" He laughed and leaned over to pop Charlie's bottle cap off for him.

"Thanks, man." Charlie chugged it, throwing the bottle the wall once he was done. Both Mac and Charlie laughed like it was the funniest thing they had ever done or seen, and Mac joined in. They chugged beers and threw them at the back wall, laughing until they finally fell into a heap of laughing bodies.


They had stayed like that for awhile, laughing at the now old joke until they had finally quieted down. They still didn't move though, but instead Charlie got closer. Mac didn't notice this however because his eyes were closed, humming along to a Chumnawamba song in his head.

"Mmm...hey, Mac, are you drunk?"

"I'm pretty sure we both are, Charlie. But, hey, at least we finished the crate off and Dee won't get the sweet joy of tossing out those beers." Mac chuckled to himself, proud of their accomplishment. His eyes fluttered open and he froze at what he saw.

There was Charlie, extremely close to Mac, breathing heavy, flushed and looking at Mac with something he had never noticed before. For some reason it made him swallow and blush like some sort of high school virgin, but he chalked it up to the fact that hey,maybe the pub was warm. It was Philadelphia after all.

"Haha yeah, you're right, Mac it's ganna be pretty sweet..." Charlie closed his eyes and licked his lips, feeling a little too comfortable being in Mac's personal space. He then leaned forward and planted a kiss on Mac's lips before he could stop himself.

The kiss was quick and needy, but boy was Charlie a good kisser. That sent a ping of pleasure throughout Mac's entire body. The kiss had awoken something in him that both excited him and made him want to hurl.

Charlie chose that moment to finally snap to his senses and he straightened up.

"M-Mac!" He shoved a fingernail into his mouth to nibble on it, a clear sign that he was nervous. "Shit...Fuck...Mac 'm sorry man. I think the booze is-is stronger than 'm normally used to."

A deep flush had settled against his skin, drawing out the color of Charlie's eyes. He was actually quite beautiful (despite the fact that he hardly showered unless told to). Part of Mac wanted to hoot and holler that Charlie had stopped...but he also wanted to groan in frustration.

"I-I-I should leave." Charlie scrambled for his footing but couldn't quite stand up. The alcohol was setting in more now, making his movements more sluggish and clumsy. "This was a bad idea...dumb Charlie, dumb!" Charlie slumped back on the floor and curled up on himself. Mac finally cleared his throat as Charlie's state brought him out of the haze he was in.

"Charlie, don't-" Don't what? He thought. Don't do this? Don't stop?

Instead of words he settled with placing his hand on one of Charlie's and tangled their fingers together. Why? Because it felt right and at the time that made enough sense to Mac.

Charlie had finally calmed down and laid back on his back. They didn't say much, didn't feel like they had to. The silence was good and, with enough alcohol to kill a small animal in their systems, they dozed off. A comfortable state that neither man had had in years settling over them.

And, if any of the others had found them snuggled up on the ground in the morning? Well, they never brought it up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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