Intro To My Account!! ^.^ Hehehe

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Ok, now down to business XD :PP, anyways, Welcome to my Account "Avengergal" :DD, i know the cover of this is kind of decieving and it's like "Why do you have Kpop there? Like What?"

I will gladly explain for you guys, cause that is what this is for, it's to introduce me, and i want to test out how this thing works(first time using this and creating a "Work"), i have been on Wattpad for a while, but just didn't create anything, because of the fear no one would like my stuff..., but you never know *shrug*

Sorry if i am boring you to death and your like "Get to the fun stuff!" XD :PPPP, Anyways, as i was gonna talk about the KPOP part of my cover, yea, i got obsessed with KPOP on October 10th of 2014, and that was after i made a Wattpad account, so yea....:$, sorry 'bout that. Yea anyways, so that explains that.

Account Info:

Ok, so this is a Multi-Fandom Account, um, I am planning to have Imagines on here, short stories, long stories, and a variety of other stuff.

Guess who controls what i do?! :D

That's right! You guys!! :DD ^.^ Hehehe

If you want to see something done from me(Marvel, or Kpop related, or anything i have listed in the "About Me" page i made) just let me know in the comments! Message me! :D Anything is fine! :D I will read it, all of it XD :PPPP So please! ^.^ I will try my hardest. Please don't be shy, because, if you don't suggest the thing you really want, then i might not do it, because i don't know what you guys want to see, so i really encourage you guys to tell me ^.^

I will post Ship Stores(I ship Everyone With Everyone), Real Stories, Fantasty Stories, Fiction Stories, Fan Fictions, and tons more!! ^.^ Hehehe


Hey guys! Hehehe Bros, Chingus, Marvelites, Marvel Bros, Marvel Heads, Marvel Geeks, Kpop Fans, EXO-L's, A.R.M.Y's, Starlights, 2Wings, V.I.P's, Sones, E.L.Fs, Triple S, Etc. Etc. There are tons of fandoms, sorry if i didn't mention yours! ^.^ You can comment the fandom you're in in the comments! :D Do It!! 0_0 XD jk jk, you don't have to...I'm weird, ok, Back on Topic!

Me, ok, Hey! Yea, i am the owner of this account and i go by the Name "V", I don't really want to put my real full name out there, so i won't, but yea, if you want to holler out to me you can use "V"(like Kim Taehyung in BTS ^.^), I am a High School Student, Freshman actually. So yea ^.^, I am an Obsessed Lonely Misunderstood Fangirl Computer Geek, etc etc...Just being honest here XD LOL :PPPP...Yea, I can be shy...a lot at times! No joke ^_^, Welp yeap, i'm funny and i try to make people smile and laugh because i love it XD :PPP. Hehehe, i don't like getting people upset, because then i feel bad and you feel bad and it's just...ugh XD :PP, So hey! :D, i don't really know what to say here except...hope you enjoy my account!!! ^.^ Hehehe

More Works?

Ok, What i am thinking of doing is an EXO FanFic, a Thorki Fanfic, a story, and an Example of my writing for you guys before all that, i can use imagines for that, i want you guys to see how i write, see if you like it, cause i don't know, maybe give me some feedback on my writing and help me out, because even when you think you're good or ok at something, you can always go up a step further ^.^ Hehehe


Sorry if you were like "I want to read something short" or if you just quit on me XD :P, Sowwy ^_^, this is kind of short tho, yet still kind of long just for an intro(my rambling...i know XD :PPPPPP), Though if you read up to here then THANK YOU!! ^.^ Hehehe, I really appreciate it! :D You are amazing if you read up to here! :O :D. Hehehe You deserve a hug! *huggies* ^.^


Again, Hope you like my account! Please tell me how you liked my Intro/First Work ^.^ Good Start?? ^.^

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