Chapter One

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Thursday, afternoon
Date: -/—/—-
   No one's pov   
              -SLASH- the swords collide together pushing the green man and the pink pig back. Grunting at the sudden force the green guy quickly jumped and attempted to hit the pink pig. Reacting quickly the pink pig lift his sword to block the hit.
       "I-is that all you got Dream??" The pink pig said breathing heavily.
        The green man lifts up his sword and kick the pink pig pushing him back. The pink pig clenches his stomach a bit in pain but quickly attack the green guy and kicks his side. They continue to fight when suddenly a man with brown hair yellow jacket and a beanie comes between them. Before they knew it they were each held back the green guy who's name is dream was held by his best friend,George.
         George is a bit shorter then dream. Definitely not as strong. He whore a blue jacket black jeans and white sunglasses. He never to them off outside even if it was dark. But dream couldn't judge him as he always whore his mask not matter what. Dream was to lazy to fight back so he let George hold him back.
           Hold back the pink pig who's name was Technoblade,was his adoptive dad Philza. He was a bit shorter then Techno. He whore a long black robe a green long neck shirt along with white pants. He had also put on a hat with green and white stripes. He having handled techno since he found him the forest was string enough to at least hold him back for a bit.
        Techno began to squirm tryna loosen Philza's grip on him
          "This is the fifth fight this week!"Philza said agitated at having to stop his "important" business for there silly fight.
      "You cant keep this up!"he said
      " if the king took notice of your fight he'd surely take both of you away!" He said in a worried tone
       "I mean look at you skills I'm surprised he haven't snatched you both up yet. Your both are really strong he might take you. I cant loose you Techno!" He said
        "Yah dream the dream team cant be the dream team with out dream" George said
         "Stop this ridiculous fighting before you catch the attention of that vile king, Techno we are going home." Philza said
           Techno nodded,he didn't like to talk much so thats usually how he communicated with a simple head or hand movement.
Dream's pov
      i watched as Techno,Philza, and the guy with the beanie who's name was Wilbur walk away. George then let me go and looked at me and waved indicating he was gonna go back home. I sighed and walked towards the forest. I didn't have a family. They died not that they where good anyways. I lived in the woods in a treehouse i made. No one was allowed in the woods so its not like they would ever find it.
          I liked living alone. It was quiet, i didn't need to hear the loud chatter or noise from other people. I didn't have a tv so id read to entertain my self or watch yt on my phone. Sometimes on really boring days id draw. I bet your wondering how does no one know you live in the forest in a tree house? Thats because i always avoided the where do you live question. So i never had to deal with it. I got home and climbed up the stairs hoping in bed. I decided to bath tomorrow in the morning when had more energy.
                I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I got up and grabbed my soap bucket and sponge and headed to the nearby river. I bathed in the water fall at the end of the river trying to not uses as much soap so i don't kill the fish which where my food source. I took a shower in the water full got out and got dressed. Today would have to be a laundry day. I went back to the tree house setting down the bucket to dry and going in to put the soap and sponge down. I decided to eat berry's todays and oranges so i grabbed an orange and a few grapes i had bought and started to eat it for breakfast. I grabbed the basket of laundry and my item needed to wash them and wrapped plastic over the basket so nothing would fall out. I grabbed my back pack and started to head out for town.
                    I made it to the laundry mat and  started loading my clothes and washing them when i saw the king himself outside. If he was there then this wasn't good. A horn was blown letting people know to gather outside. I pulled my mask out my bag and down on my face, and followed the group of people outside.
               "Hello, citizens of (insert kingdom name). Today id like to announce a fee changes my self. One i am raising your house rent tax and bills." He said with his voice booming through the air
            People gasped.
                "We are also changed food prices and arresting people who fail to pay. That is all you may continue with your day." He roared
Techno's Pov
           This is absolutely terrible was all Techno could think to him self.

904 words
I just wanted to say i ship the characters not the actual people. I don't want you guys going and pressuring them to get together i also havent decided on a title so if your reading this when it has no title tell me ideas :). Have a wonderful day,afternoon, or night where ever you may be in this world byeeeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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