The Breakfast Club •Jeca•

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Jesse's POV

"So I find songs that have the same chord progressions, and create a track that blends them together. So like this is the new bass line, and this is matching up downbeats." Beca took off her headphones realizing that she's probably screaming trying to hear herself think. I find it adorable that she feels comfortable enough to share this part of her life with me.

"Oh I'm talking really loud" She laughed. "Um, that's me singing." She said handing me the headphones to listen to her mashup.

She's so talented. I rocked my head to the beat of the song. "This is really good!" I yelled. "Now I'm the one yelling right?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded at me. "That is amazing Beca." I gave her back her headphones. "Thanks." She kind of whispered in awe as if no one's ever told her that before.

"So, I brought this over because I wanna watch you watch the end of this movie. And then I can die a hero." I said showing her The Breakfast Club disk I had in my backpack.

She smiled staring at me before I pulled out my laptop and started rearranging pillows on her bed to get comfy.

"You have a habit of making yourself at home, did you know that?" She asked still smiling. "Yeah. Come on." I said to her.

I turned off one light while she turned off the other and came to sit next to me.

"Okay, The Breakfast Club. 1985, the greatest ending to any movie ever. This song launched Simple Minds in the US. Could've been a Billy Idol song but he turned it down. Idiot." I explained the song. One of my favorite songs.

"Perfectly sums up the movie. Equally beautiful and sad." I finished. "That is fascinating." Beca said sarcastically. "Right?" I called back at her.

"Tell me, what does Judd Nelson eat for breakfast?" Beca asked me being the smartass that she is. "Oh well, like all misunderstood rebels, he feeds on hypocrisy." I started. "Sure" she said sarcastically telling me she's interested. "And black coffee, to help with his morning dumps."

I heard her start laughing. "You're an idiot." She laughed. "It's true, I'm full of fun facts." I told her. "Well you should let other people tell you they're fun." She replied.

"And an athlete, and a basketcase, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question." I mouthed along the dialogue of the movied. I saw Beca turn her head smiling at me as I did so.

I curled up my fist just like Judd Nelson and then turned to her. "Your missing the ending." She got out of her little daze and turned towards the screen. "Sorry"

I kept my eyes on her. She's so beautiful. She has such a beautiful smile. She turned back to me and our eyes met and we both slowly started to lean in.

We kissed. Such a nice kiss. We held the kiss and she put her hand on my face. That is until the light turned on.

Kimmy-Jin and a couple friends came into the dorm. "The white girls back." Beca's smile that she had the entire time we were alone had faded.

"And I'm out" I closed my laptop and grabbed my bag before heading for the door. Beca sighed glanced at Kimmy-Jin with a death stare.

"Always a pleasure Kimmy-Jin." I turned back to Beca who was already looking at me. Her eyes pleading me not to go.

I went downstairs and couldn't help but feel bad for leaving. So I texted her.

Movie Nerd 🍿❤️
you can come to my dorm with me. i'm still downstairs if you wanna walk there with me.

Becs 🎧♥️
i'll be down in a minute.

No more then 5 minutes later Beca came outside the building for the Baker Hall Dorms. She had a small backpack and her phone in her hand.

"You ready to go?" I asked. "Yeah" She whispered sadly. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Other than the fact that we can't be together?" She questioned. I'm confused. Is that why she's been ignoring all my flirtatious comments.

"Why can't we be together?" I asked. "Aubrey and the bella's. If I want to be a part of the Bella's I can't date a treblemaker. It's a rule. A part of the oath that that Aubrey made all of us swear upon." She explained to me.

"From what I know about you so far, you don't really take rules into consideration." I replied. "Why do you think I'm walking with you to your dorm right now?" She smiled. There it is. That smile. I love her smile.

"We just have to be careful around the Bella's." She finished.

Once we got to my dorm I offered her pajamas which she gladly took and I stepped into the hallway to let her change since the bathroom is all the way down the next hall.

When she finished she opened the door for me. She looked adorable in my sweats. Way to big for her. She is drowning in them but she looks adorable.

"You look adorable." I told her. "I look like I just lost 200 lbs and didn't go clothes shopping." She replied.

We laid down and watched the full movie which Beca fell asleep through and I just played with her hair before finally deciding to put away my laptop when Benji got back.

The next morning while Benji was getting ready for class there was obnoxiously loud banging on the door. I covered Beca's ear cause she was still sleeping on my chest and Benji went to open the door.

It was Aubrey. Great.

"I knew she was here." She practically screamed. "Can you at least be considerate she's sleeping?" I told her. "No! She broke the oath! No Treble-boning!" She yelled. Beca started to stir and she buried her face into my neck.

Treble-boning? Beca wasn't treble-boned. We didn't have sex.

"Actually she didn't broke the oath. We didn't have sex. She just slept here." I told her. Beca's eyes opened and when she saw Aubrey she really woke up.

"What are you doing here?" Beca asked her. "I could ask you the same question." She snared back. "The oath is clear. No sexual relations with a treblemaker!" Then it hit her. Beca realized she had misunderstood the oath. She thought that she couldn't date a treblemaker she just couldn't sleep with one.

"We didn't have sex Aubrey. I just slept here last night cause my roommate's a bitch." She finished and laid back down on my chest planning on going back to sleep.

Aubrey just groaned in frustration and left. We win bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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