1 - where it all started

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zoro woke up as the sun arose from behind the other houses in the distance, squinting at the change of opacity in his room. he took some time to look around to check his surroundings. he threw off his covers and stretched while putting on some slippers and walking to his bathroom to get ready for the day.

once he finished taking a shower that was much longer than it needed to be; he stared at his closet trying to decide what to wear. even though his clothes didn't have much variety, mostly regular shirts, jeans,sweatpants, and the occasional suit that he had for events,he made due with it and slipped on a white t-shirt that had a small nike swoosh in the top right corner and some black jeans. he then walked over to his standing mirror, trying to make his naturally green hair look at least a little tamed.

yes, he had green hair, and no, it's not dyed. don't worry, he gets those questions a lot.

everything felt a quite calm for a monday morning. well, a little too calm. zoro felt he was forgetting something but shrugged it off and went downstairs to the kitchen to fix himself breakfast. he put some cereal in a bowl and then poured the milk, taking his time to eat because a chance like this barely ever came along.

his phone chimes on the table, and he reached over to see who it was from. he read the message and it said:

message from: foodie🍖
where r u??? class is gonna start soon!

zoro didn't believe it at first. he checked the time and lo and behold, it was 8:03 am. meaning, he had precisely 17 minutes to make it to school, find his dorm room and leave his bags there, and get to class.

life was testing him.

he gulped down the remaining cereal and ran up the stairs to his room and grabbed his suitcases and bookbag and went outside to where he parked his car. but he didn't make it anywhere far, because nobody decided to tell him it was around 60 degrees outside. he ran back inside to grab a sweater and back out to his car where he threw his bags inside and started to speed off, hoping he wouldn't get a ticket.

he made it onto campus by when school starts and rushed inside to find his classroom. he figured he wouldn't be able to take his things to his dorm before he went to class, unless he wanted to miss the whole of first period. and zoro definitely does not need that.

thankfully though, he made it to his first period clas only 15 minutes late. not too bad if he says so himself.

"hello, are you roronoa zoro?" a middle aged man turned to him expecting an answer. and so did the rest of the class.
now one thing you should remember about zoro is that he hates attention. so this situation isn't the best for him.

"yeah i uh...yeah, i'm zoro..sorry i'm late." he says in a small voice, trying not to pay attention to the eyes on him.

"it's fine, just take a seat." and just like that the man goes back to teaching.

zoro takes a seat next to his only friend in the class, luffy. He was a regular size guy,maybe a little more on the skinny side, with black hair and a straw hat on his desk. he would usually be wearing it, but since schools don't allow hoods or hats in the building, he had to remove it.
"i see you got my message" whispered luffy. even if zoro didn't want to admit it, they both knew zoro was saved by his text. so zoro do what he does best; sleep through the class until it was over.


the sudden loud sound of the bell startled zoro awake. he looked around and saw how everyone was picking up to head to the lunchroom so he put his head up and looked over to where luffy sat. the problem was, luffy wasn't there anymore.
zoro looked around the classroom to see if he could spot the iconic hat of his, but he didn't. he sighed and stood up from his seat to venture off to where the cafeteria was.

10 minutes have passed, and zoro still has not found the lunchroom. he sighs in annoyance and looks up at the ceiling while walking. hoping that he would find his stupid friends already. and when he does he's gonna give luffy an earful for leaving without him. he's gonna make sure he regrets- his thoughts are interrupted. he bumps into a tall slim figure and is brought back to reality.

"shit, i'm sorry. i wasn't looking where i was going" zoro apologized, not really wanting to talk.

"it's fine." the person turns around to reveal his face. he was quite handsome,he won't deny it. blond hair that frames his face with a striking blue eye that reminds zoro of the sea, though one was covered by such shiny blonde hair. but maybe zoro stared a little too long.
"are you gonna answer or are you gonna keep gawking at me?" the blonde responded with a smirk on his face.

"oh, sorry erm, what did you ask?" zoro wasn't listening at all. he didn't even hear the other speak in fact.

"i asked if you were lost. are you?"
"yeah, i am...how do you know? is it really that obvious?" zoro's tanned skin was dusted a light pink from embarrassment.

"mmm not really...though i did see you walk passed me 3 times"
"I could take you to your destination if you want, i don't mind"
"yeah um, could you take me to the cafeteria garden? i need to meet my friends" zoro hated having to ask people for help. what could he say, he was independent like that.
"sure. what's your name. by the way? i'm sanji vinsmoke"
"zoro.roronoa zoro"

and just like that they were off.

( ̄▽ ̄)

i made another story, hopefully i stick to it.
so should i make sanji really flirty to zoro next chapter or let zoro become lovesick for him from a distance? i might do the later but comment which choice!

Just a matter of time - SanZo college auWhere stories live. Discover now