Poisoned Princess // Reyna x Viper

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"We can't keep meeting like this,"

I pull my eyes away from the scope of my gun, as I hear a familiar voice. Reyna.

"I could kill you right now, you know,"

"I know, but you won't, you want to see my pretty face first,"

Silence, I had to focus. It was my first match back on in a few days, so it was important to me to perform well. The harsh cold environment of Icebox was draining my energy, but the adrenaline of being back on the field was worth it. Or maybe there was something else pumping my adrenaline...

I had known Reyna for a long time, we'd been butting heads for years, always managing to get in heated fights when it came to our work.

I refocused on the task at hand, peeking my head around the wall I had ducked behind. I saw a flash of purple heading in my direction.

Heart racing, I dashed across the light layer of snow, behind a large crate hoping to get a better angle. Bullets flew past my head, but I was quick.

I peered around the edge of the crate, I had a near perfect angle at her head. About to pull the trigger, my hand wrapped around the gun. But in the split second I had been lining up my shot, she was gone.

Confused, I looked around, slightly off guard. And that's when it happened.

In a flurry of motion, a purple mass toppled over the box. My body was pinned against the ground, a confident Reyna staring down at me with her fierce purple orbs.


My breathing grew heavy, my heartrate increasing rapidly, I couldn't let her know I was weak. I said nothing, moving quickly. My hand grabbed her wrist, giving me the time to roll over, this time switching the power.

"Maybe next time, princess,"

With that, a single warning shot was fired into her shoulder. I let her live, this time.

Still shaken from whatever had just happened, I brushed myself off and ran into battle. We won the round, but I didn't really have time to celebrate. I couldn't stop thinking about her...

After the game, we all boarded onto the airship, allowing ourselves to breathe and rest. I made my way into the kitchen, pacing in circles to think over my performance. While I had done well, there was one moment I just quite couldn't get past. Why hadn't she killed me right then and there? Why hadn't I killed her? 

Deep in thought, I almost didn't notice the footsteps behind me. I looked up, and turned around, surprised to see the one and only Reyna standing in the doorway. She carried herself with such poise and confidence, confidence I aspired to radiate.

"For just recently returning, you played well," She offered, coming in a little closer.

"Thanks, you did amazing as always,"

"I know," She said, with a slight smirk. 😏😏

"Most people would say thanks,"

"I'm not like most people,"

"Yeah, a hell of a lot more arrogant, that's for sure,"

"You're one to talk,"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"We've both got a lot of fire, Viper, that's what makes us good at what we do."

She was right, but I couldn't think of a witty comeback. Instead, I turned away, hoping she might walk away too, to avoid the awkward silence.

I leaned against the counter, still not facing her.

All of a sudden, the airship jolted. A spike of turbulence shook the plane. I tried to stabilize myself, but ended up stumbling a little, forcing me against the wall.

I noticed the warmth of a body right behind me. Reyna had fallen too, in my direction.

I was trapped, but I wasn't sure I minded.

"Are you ok?" spoke a soft voice almost directly in my ear. A voice I realized I wanted to hear.

I pushed myself up onto the counter, to directly face her, without thinking I leaned down. Her head did the same, she faced the counter as well, her torso in between my legs.

Our lips connected, feeling the fire Reyna had mentioned earlier. I felt her sleek black hair, running my fingers through it with insistency. It felt right, like a missing gap of space finally filled.

Well maybe we can keep meeting like this...

Reyna x Viper // OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now