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Have you ever wondered if anyone will ever understand you– Understand you beyond just a surface level– Really, truly be able to know how your trauma feels so deep down inside?
Well, they won't.
It's impossible, actually.
They can categorize you into what they think fits somewhat into what you are and make assumptions based off that, they can understand that you're hurting and know what happened was bad without truly knowing how it feels, and they can relate to certain areas but ultimately it's not the same.

Humans work differently from one another– every last one of them.
No one will ever truly understand because they're not you.
Explain your thought process and feelings all you want, they're still going to interpret it through a biased lense. It's just how it works.
Sure, some may come closer than others to getting it but again, it's pointless to hope.

No one will ever understand, and that's just that.

That's what Dabi had always believed at least.
I mean hey, why wouldn't he?
When you're told from birth you're destined to be a god greater than any other only to have that ripped away with no explanation, you're bound to learn that no one gets it. And that no one will ever listen enough to.

Years upon years of his life had been spent being cast aside for not fitting exactly into societies mold, same as everyone else in the League. Though Dabi's circumstances were a bit different. How he got to the point of being a "villain" and when he began being shunned heavily by the outside world is a story for another day.
All that you need to know now, is that he hasn't had anyone give him the time of day since he was born.
That is, until now.

Dabi paused, lowering the cigarette balanced between his finger. A familiar, overwhelming burning sensation running all throughout his freshly re-burned body. The dark, charred sections of skin coating his arms had grown from the fighting. Rather than stopping at his mid palms,, it now reached all the way to his knuckles. While he'd yet to see his torso or face yet, feelings alone told the sad truth that it'd spread further on those places too..

A breeze rustled his hair, casting its soot ridden self along into his vision and carrying the thick smoke which poured from his lips.
He cast his narrowed gaze across the campfire to a rather ragged looking man. His pale hair and skin was stained dark with a mix of blood and dirt, his clothes torn and worn about. His red eyes were focused intently on the blue flames which flickered and curled between them. Then, they moved, locking on a new source of blue.

A light smirk found its way upon Dabi's lips as he glanced away from his leader. These staring games were starting to grow more frequent– though he was unsure if the other was even aware it was happening when it was.
Countless meetings had been spent locking eyes over commentary, or simply catching each other watching in silence.
Now, Dabi was no stranger to watching people. Whether it be keeping to date on his old family, or keeping an eye on the hero spy, he was always ready.

Upon returning his gaze to Tomura, he found that that rich red was still trained solely on him.
He shifted, bringing the cig back to his lips and sucking in a heavy cloud of smoke. He held it there before letting it out with a dry laugh.  "What? You so desperate that you're undressing me with your eyes now, buddy?"

Rather than retorting with a witty quip about how hideous such a sight would be or referencing a video game of some sort, Tomura simply continued with his little stare.
Honestly, it was growing unsettling.
Perhaps he was planning a more damaging response? Or maybe he wasn't even thinking at all. He could've been sitting there, going over the events of the passed days and what had happened, or taking in what was yet to come.
Finally, he shook his head. It was so subtle that it could've gone unnoticed.

"You're Todoroki Touya. Endeavor's son?" His voice came out more crackly and quiet than before, resonating a profound disbelief. Had he not known any better, Dabi could have mistaken it for a grief or pain of sorts.
"Yes." It was honestly so foreign to admit to it– to finally let out his identity freely. And now everyone out there knew who he was and what was his story.
There was such a heavy weight just gone from his chest- though the feeling wouldn't stay forever, he knew. It was only a matter of waiting for the weight to return and crush him down to nothing.

Tomura rested his head in his hand, now being partially blocked from view from the fire. He scratched his raw, aching neck with shaking fingers as he gathered his next words. "At the start of this all..."
"At the start of this all, I was a dick. Right?" Dabi interrupted. He hadn't meant to, but snapping came naturally these days. He was tired, he was hot, and he was unnerved by the quiet.
Tomura shot him a glare before speaking again. "That too– but no. At the start of all this, you told me you would tell me your real name when I needed to know. So... why do I need to know now? Why does everyone need to know now?"

It wasn't what he had expected to he asked. Not at a time when there was so much more to be contemplating. The loss of close members, the massive heart breaking betrayal, the screams and chaos of war, all so fresh in their heads and hearts. It'd only been a few days after all.
So why did this one thing matter so terribly great that Tomura decided to bring it up rather than anything else?

Still, it made a very select few veins in Dabi's head feel as though they might burst should he consider it too earnestly. So, he simply shrugged.
There was about a million words he could say to explain it, but he didn't want to. Not now. "I couldn't trust you yet."
"Do you trust me now?"
"Yeah." He laughed a little, almost unnoticeably. Yes, there were still fights to be fought amidst themselves, but hey- if Tomura hadn't let him die out there on the field then he probably wouldn't let him die now. So yeah, he trusted him.
After years of heartache and trials how could he not?

Tomura simply nodded, smiling a little to himself as he gazed off at the horizon. "I trust you too. Let's live through this hell."

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