Last Time

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"Let's end it here, Violet," he says, leaving her in despair. 

It was all a misunderstanding, yet her boyfriend wouldn't spare another second to hear her explanation. All he knew is that Violet lost feelings and is having another man by her side. But he's wrong. He's the only guy she loves with her whole heart.

He broke her heart. 

She tried to hold him one last time, hoping he would not leave her just like that. "Please, Aiden. Everything you heard was a misunderstanding, I promise. Just please, stay and hear me out," she tugged his sleeve, tearing up. 

"Stop, will you? I admit I was wrong when I told people around me that you are the one. You are literally not the one," 

"Aiden," a familiar voice called out, making both of them turn their heads.

"Camelia," he said, looking at her with love in his eyes. 

It hits Violet hard. So hard that she couldn't bear to hold back her tears anymore as it spills like a waterfall. She hoped she was dreaming. Please wake me up, she prayed.

But no, she's still here. And for the first time ever, she saw how he looked at her ever so fondly.

Camelia was quick to cling onto Aiden's arm. "Are we okay here?"

Why, Violet screams in her head.
Why is every heartbreak meant to end this way, she sobbed.
Why is it like the last time again?


Her whole body shook. She stayed still as Aiden realized how she tensed up. He unhooked his arm from Camelia. "Look, you cheated on me first. When I knew, Camelia was the one that had always been there, helping me to heal. Not you. Get that in your stupid little head," he clenched his jaw.

But Violet haven't even said anything about him and Camelia.

It seems like he wanted to reassure himself that it was only reasonable for him to cheat on her instead of talking it through. He wanted to make Violet -the villain

He started calling her slurs now. Wanting her to cry and show him how he felt when he heard all of the news of her and her scandalous act. He wanted to destroy her. Completely.

"Thank you, Aiden. I won't believe in love anymore," 

She smiled as her tears flow down her cheeks. She had always been like this, the one that was betrayed, hated. She thought Aiden would bring a new shine to her life. But it's like she was stuck in a stupid cycle. Heartbreak, healing, love, and betrayal. Over and over again.

She's fed up of all of this. 

She turned around slowly, her ears still catching how Aiden shouts her name, telling her how she is a slut. How low her dignity was.


Everything rang in her head. It starts raining hard. She walked, and walked around. No destinations at all. It got her thinking how she would usually be in Aiden's arm at this time. Cuddling until the Sun sets and rises again.

How she loved that boy.

Now it's all just a mere past that she had to go through in order to make her realize that she will never and can never be happy. 

She went to her family house that had never been her destination for the past few years. No one lives there anymore anyway. She lost her whole family a long time ago. The most heartbreaking was her brother's death. The death of a person that was the last man standing in their little family. Her soulmate, her partner in crime, her bestfriend that she lost. To a damn disease. 

She slowly unlocked the door, trying her best to inhale the remaining scents of her family members. The smell of her mother's pink perfume in the master bedroom. A slight smell of woods that her father used to carve in the backyard. The smell of her brother's coat. 

But she never managed to grasp any of them anymore. 

Why would they leave me alone like this?

Even Aiden left me alone. 

Am I that much of a burden?

She hugged her knees to her chest. Crying and sobbing in her old dusty room. She couldn't take any of these anymore. Her mother would comfort her, telling her to take a small step at a time. 

She had been doing that all these years. 

It does work sometimes. But it got her alone again.

She stayed that way for a few while more. Breaking down as she tried remembering how her brother consoled her after their parents' funeral. She tried remembering how her father would hug her. Not saying anything just to let her sob on his shoulder. She missed all of them.

Then there goes a certain someone popping up in her head. Aiden. He would whisper loving little words and leave her alone. He would give her time. And whenever she's ready, he would always wait for her just on the other side of the door.

How did it end up this way?


She finally gathered her courage to step out of the house, starting her steps to her own apartment where she would sleep at only on the weekends, with Aiden. 

But this time, she's alone.

She unlocked her apartment door, entering the password - their anniversary date, the day they confessed to each other. Her heart broke again.

She slowly opened the door, unraveling the mess she'd make the night before. The night where Aiden started ignoring her, blocking her on every social medias she had, all of a sudden. 

She silently made her way to her bedroom, closing the front door behind her. She climbed up her bed, sitting at the very center. Hugging her knees again, all the memories went back and hit her like a truck. 

She stared deeply at the wall in front of her like it was a culprit of a crime. 

And suddenly, she felt her phone vibrate. A message came in, it was from Frankie, her classmate.

It read, 'hey v. j wanted to check up on u. r u ok?'

That was so sudden. She never managed to reply. Instead, she just stared at the text. 

Another one came in, 'no worries. u dont have to reply now. i saw what happened omw back home. im sorry u had to face them that way. have a gr8 rest violet, come back stronger <3'

She smiled at those texts, her tears flowing down. Someone cared. 

Someone showed her that it's okay to fall down sometimes. 

Now she knows, that it would slowly move past her, she would gradually move on. 

Just like last time.

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