deez nuts

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The Koolaid man had always been lonely. He never had any friends growing up, and everyone thought he was weird because he was different from everyone else. He was a good student in school, but that didn't matter if he didn't have anyone to share his accomplishments with. The Koolaid man's parents loved him no matter what, even if he look different from everyone else. At least he had that in his life. As he grew up, he only got taller and taller. He got so tall and big that he couldn't fit in his house or school anymore. There was nothing his parents could do about it, so The Koolaid man left to live on the streets. By the time he was 20, he'd lived on the streets for about 5 years. His learning got stopped short, due to him not being able to fit in his school anymore, so he had been unable to get a job because he had no experience and no one was willing to give him any. But one day, a TV show producer found him and thought he would be perfect for the ad he was making. The Koolaid man was elated! He went into the studio, and filmed his first commercial. He felt right at home, like this is what he was meant to do. The producer was really happy with the ad too. The Koolaid man kept on making ads for a few years. His life was very basic. Wake up, Eat breakfast, Go to work, Go home. The Koolaid man wanted something more in his life. Then, one day while he was rushing to work, he saw the most handsome man ever. His name was Obama. The Koolaid man was so overwhelmed he stopped in the middle of the street, and got hit by a car. 


The next thing The Koolaid man could remember was waking up in a white room. White curtains, white bed sheets, and white floors and walls. Then he saw him. The handsome man from the street. The handsome man opened his mouth to say "Koolaid man?". The Koolaid man was blushing hard from how nice his voice sounded, and how surreal it felt to be sitting in the same room as this beautiful man. "What happened??" The Koolaid man responded. "You got hit by a car. I was worried about you so I came to see what happened", said the man. The Koolaid man said, "What's your name?". Obama responded to The Koolaid man, telling him his name. The Koolaid man thought to himself 'Wow. His name is even pretty!'. He blushed harder. Obama blushed too. "Well, thank you for coming to see me!" said The Koolaid man, even though he didn't want Obama to leave just yet. "Of course.." Obama muttered sadly. He really didn't want to leave the Koolaid man just yet. But he had one trick up his sleeve. He stood, and briskly kissed The koolaid man on the cheek, and slipped a piece of paper with his number on it to The Koolaid man. "Well, bye now!" said Obama even though he was a nervous wreck inside. Once Obama shut the door, The Koolaid man squealed with joy and looked at the paper. It said: "Call me!~" with a winky face. 'Huh,' The Koolaid man thought. 'maybe my life isn't so bland after all!'

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