Chapter 1 : Take The Chance

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Cristina's POV
I was in the park looking stupid not talking to anyone and siting there until it closes I have a jacket Always with a hood
Then after it closes I would do to my House
This happens Every Day i repeat the things I do every Day Until Today
" hey... Um... Hi " the stranger said
I dint say a word I was there siting down
" ohh um... " stranger nodded and stayed silent
He was there
I wounded why would anyone talk to me so until the end of the day
I went back to my home and got a call it was wierd but I should take the chance
But you now my body won't let me
So I wanted to talk to the Stranger
Next Day
My first time talking to someone
" it's ok Cristina... You can do this " I said to my self once I sat there
he was siting there early in the morning
Like me
" um..." I said to him I didn't know what to say because it's my first time
" ohh... Um... It's ok I understand you don't talk that much... Umm... I'm Andrew" he said
" um Cristina... But you can Call me Cris " I said to him
We had a lot in common

So we would meet here every day
And that's when my life was about to change I had a friend
Someone to Understand me

Thx for reading this story
I would be updating every Saturday and Sunday

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