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People who say loving is easier than hating are idiots.

Sure, you can have lust, but lust does not bring you love. Lust brings fervor that you cannot deny. Not even if you tried. It's a way that brings people together with a single longing look in their eyes. But not love, just lust.

But eventually, they get tired of you and then they look for someone else to light their flame. They forget you in a heartbeat and never look back.

Love creates hate.

And I can’t describe what it is like hating someone rather than loving them. Hate makes you so passionate that it drives you crazy.

And then at some point, you finally snap. You lose control of your thoughts and start screaming all the words that come to mind.

You are so blindsided that you stop thinking and you give in, unable to stop yourself.
In my eyes hating someone is better than loving someone.

No matter what other people might say, when you hate someone your emotions are heightened and you can fully commit to hating. It distracts you from the world for a second.

It is the best distraction you will ever have.  

When people hate you they don’t have to fake anything. At least they tell you the truth during one of their screaming riots. Whether that is in a rude and mean matter or not.

With love it is different. You never know what real emotion hides behind a smile. Is the smile real? Or are they just good at putting on a mask?

Whether you think it or not, just as the person you love knows what you like, they also know your weaknesses. And knowing someone's weakness makes it that easier to stab them in the back.

Love makes you insecure. You constantly want to keep stepping up your game, just so you can get that other person to like you.

And you never know what's going through someone else's head, so you start doubting yourself. Insecure.

You will find yourself asking questions like: Do they care about what you say? Not just listening to what you have to say, but does your opinion matter to them?

The dead silence that reigns through the room you wish never to happen again.

You do not know. You simply never know.

I find people impulsive. They just can't resist making that one comment, eating that one unhealthy sandwich, buying that one dress while you don't have any money.

The human world is a concept too good to be true. A place where everyone can live together; a place where people manage to survive for the sake of another.
But nothing is that perfect.

And speaking of something too good to be true, you can’t speak that sentence out loud without mentioning Ashton White at least once.

Ash, my sister's ex-boyfriend, is the most annoying person you will ever meet.

He is perfect at everything. No, but seriously, he never fails. It is intoxicating.

There is no lie when I say that there is no one in this world that I hate more than Ashton.

Every cell in my body is on edge the moment he walks into the room. His arrogance is intolerable, just as his smile that he gives to every living female on this planet while walking on a warpath.

Sure, women were not wrong to look at him twice when he walked by. The man sure is pleasing to the eye, not that I will ever admit that to him.

But his enormous ego tops him in his every move, so it doesn't really matter that he's hot because he's a dick.

He uses every chance he gets to give me hard time and mock me. All the time.

I know he enjoys pushing me around. Like I am just another beast on his path that he needs to conquer to please his own ego.

It's annoying. He's annoying.

No, there is absolutely no way I would ever do anything else then hate him.



I am super excited to share this story with you and see where this story is going to take us.

Be sure to let me know what you think so far in the comments! :)🤍

Unfortunately I have to say that I'm currently in college so I can't update that often, but I'll do my best and post as soon as possible!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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