The sequence of events that got me killed

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The sequence of events that got me killed...

A splash of red hit my shirt
a sound of pain that proved I was hurt
His killer eyes glowed at night
and as hard as he stabbed, I still didn't fight

My alarm turned seven and rung in my ear
but as loud as it was, I still didn't hear
the voices of my family called from downstairs
but I still could not get over these terrible nightmares.

My Monday morning jog was calm and tranquil
but I still could not get away from that terrible chill
of the man who stood still over my body
as I wretched, scratched and started to disembody

I told myself 'no, stop thinking of these things'
and as hard as it was, the calmness it did bring
but as I ran home, I thought I did see
that same man who tried to kill me

I stayed in my house; for fright did catch up
and hid under my bed out of fear he would turn up
I made no noise and hardly even breathed
until I spotted my 'toy gun' that was heavily sheathed

Little did they know that it wasn't a toy at all
and that I bought it in case anyone like him decided to call
I lifted it out of its little plastic tray
and pointed it at the window to protect me today

A scream from downstairs and I knew he was in
I was desperate to make sure that he didn't win
I shot in the dark made it all go silent
then I saw his face, stunned but violent

My step dad was on the floor in front of the cupboard
his neck squashed tight with his own spinal cord
my mother lay next to him, her throat cut twice
and I knew from then on he must pay the price

Before I could move he was in front of my gun
but before I could shoot he had already won
a sharp pain cut through my skin and overwhelmed me
and that was when I knew, he was no longer my daddy

A splash of red hit my shirt
a sound of pain that proved I was hurt
His killer eyes glowed at night
and as hard as he stabbed, I still didn't fight


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2011 ⏰

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