Day In, Day Out

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Eighteen months ago, everything shut down. No more sports, celebrations and most of all, travelling. My family are world travelers. We've been almost everywhere.

We've missed out on visiting family, experiencing new cultures, and seeing amazing landmarks. For the last year and a half, there was no sense of exploring for me. Just being in the same room, same environment, same place, every single day.

No sense of the smell of a different place, the souvenirs to collect, the new language to attempt and learn. Didn't have the chance to feel the exhilaration of running to the boarding gate, to binge-watch the airline movies, try the food on the plane, and to board the ginormous cruise ships. No access to the on ship pools, luxurious buffets, and the many shops. Wasn't able to fill the family photo/memory album with photos of us on excursions.

If there's one thing the pandemic has taught us, it's to be more appreciative of the things we get to do when we actually get to do them. Once these crazy times are over, my friends and family are planning to go on a trip to Asia, to see family and to visit places that we've always seen online.

With all the movies and dramas we've watched, we want to go to some of the places where the shows were filmed. These include universities, parks, and streets in glorious South Korea. Can't wait to feel the sun and breeze on the lovely open decks, to play golf on the top of the boat, and to form friendships with people from all around the world.

I want to taste the specialty foods, have so much fun, and travel without worrying about a pandemic.

And I'm so glad it can happen again very soon.

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