Chapter One

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"The Crash"

         The clopping of hooves eung out as well as the rumble of the bumpy road below the stagecoach that drove along the road. The driver seemed distracted with a bottle of fine liquor to drink in the downtime of the ride.
  Two men sat within the stagecoach. They sat across from eachother and not so much as muttered a word to one another. One man had a ragged coat on covered with dirt and other sorts of grime. He had lightly scarred and tanned skin with a dark brown short hairdo. He had on some torn leather gloves along with some, also damaged, leather boots. In one hand rested an unloaded flintlock. In the other the man flipped a knife up and down. He was leaning back in a more casual position, with his eyes being hidden by the dark shadows from his eyebrows.

The second man sat more firm, at attention. As if a soldier of sorts. He wore knightly armor with a helmet fully covering his gaze. In fact most of his skin was covered by the armor and the black clothes he wore underneath. On his chest was a worn blue banner with a white cross, outlined in faded gold. The armor looked none the better, it was dented, aged with the tide of battle it seemed. He had a brown leather sheath on his side wielding a Bastards sword it seemed. In the man's hands was a bottle if white liquid, presumably holy water.

The men stared at eachother for a few moments, and then the man in the armor spoke. His accent was southern of sorts, sort of thick but not too all up in your face. He had a sort of high pitched voice but not squeally, more like a young adults voice put into a grown man's. "So, buddy, what brings ya to the ride? I know we probably both got the letters to bring us here but yknow you're real silent. I wanna know more about who I'm a sharin' my space with." The man in the bandana took a moment to take in their intro, and then they spoke in their rather deep and accentless voice "first off, doing call me buddy, and second off, I want a give and take. You'll introduce yourself first, and then I'll do the same. Deal?" The knight nodded and said "Ah fairs fair I guess. The name's reynauld, I'm a crusader. Or well at least I was but then I got this letter. Wealth of heritage, land of my own, sign me the fuck up! I didn't know I'd be sharin' though so that's kind of a bummer but y'know I can make do." The bandana man sighed before letting out a soft chuckle "you have spunk, I admire that. My name's Dismas. I used to be a bandit, I left behind that life same as you. For more personal reasons though. I came here in search of a new purpose and to leave behind that life. It's a pleasure to meet you Reynauld" the knight man nodded in agreement "same to you dis, I don't wanna bother saying your full name every time. Cuz it just doesn't roll off the tounge too well. Y'know?" The twos ways of conversation were very different, while dismas chose a more relaxed and calm style of conversation, Reynauld chose a more energetic approach with frequent hand motions as he spoke. As to indicate the actions he was referring to, metaphorical or not. Dismas nodded and said "it's fine. But I'd prefer if you'd just call me highway, if that's fine with you" Reynauld quickly responded with overzealous energy "oh yeah sure man! I can do that, whatever makes ya comfy. I don't wanna go around makin' enemies, you seem like the kinda guy who stab me in the dark from what energy you give off." Dismas looked at Reynauld for a moment in hesitance "er- uh, thanks?" He didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or not.

      Suddenly they got slammed against the walls of the stagecoach as it veered off. Reynauld yelled out a loud "FUCK!" while dismas simply made an umph of pain. The window of stage coach shattered and broken glass dropped down into the stage coach. The both got into a crouching position from their current spots. Reynauld quickly took action and upperecutted the door causing it to break open. Dismas shrugged as reynauld climbed out and himself soon to follow. The two looked around, Reynauld went to inspect the front of the carriage and dismas observed the surrounding area. Reynauld came across the driver who was impaled on a tree branch. He recoiled for a moment at the sight then leaned in and lifted his body off the branch as the blood dripped down. Reynauld looked down at the body and let out a playful whistle as he began digging through the man's pockets. He then let out a soft sigh as he found nothing but an old photo in the man's pocket. He tossed the photo aside and went back to meet up with his new ally.

    Dismas looked at the approaching knight ans said "well I assume where we were head lies ahead. We better keep moving straight, it's probably better to take a side path though. This place looks shady and j don't want any bandits getting the jump on us. Come, follow me." Dismas gestured for reynauls to follow him as he moved forward. Rwynauld shrugged his shoulders and said "whatever you say, boss" as he pursued the highwayman.

   The two followed side by side for a while as tehy walked down the hallway. Dismas looked arounsbfor soem sort of light to illuminate the way ans he found a torch lying on the ground. He quickly picked it up ans lit it by striking his knife against a rock. He held the torch above his head and looked onward into the dim undergrowth. The two pursued forward until from the bushes jumped a bandit dual wielding knives.  Dismas dropped the torch on the ground ans drew his weapons, taking cover heind reynauld. Renuald drew his sword. The brigand held up his weapons as he too readied for combat.

       Dismas with his immense speed, went first.

   Dismas decided to take a safe approach and shot the bandit in the shoulder with his pistol. The bandit visibly recoiled from the gunshot but he didn't go down yet. The cutthroat quickly took his turn to retaliate to his injury. He charged at them both and sliced at them with his daggers both at the same time, and in this reynauld decided to make his move. He yelled out vigoursly and struck the bandit with a mighty smite of his sword, cleaving their flesh and causing them to fall over, dead. Reynauld scrounged the body like the pincher he was ans found some gold. He handed over (nearly) half to dismas. Keeping a good sum to himself though. The two pressed onward as they bled out a bit from the wounds in them. How does a crusader in armor bleed? I dunno ask red hook! The two approached a doorway, ans a tent. Dismas decided to search this time ans found some good loot, a jade emerald and a key of sorts. He shrugged and muttered "better than nothing..." As he shoved the items into his pockets. Then the two entered the doorway.

    They were met with a big burly bandit with another one wielding a gun. The big one was storing items away into a chest and the bandit yelled out that there were intruders. The big burly one slammed the chest shut and quickly took combat position. Dismas faceplate as he realized he had left the torch behind like an idiot so the dim sunlight was the only source of radiance they had. Their weapons were already drawn ans ready to fight as were the enemies. Dismas, of course, went girls again nd decided to pick off the gunned bandit presuming they'd be a good bit of trouble for them. Luckily, he hit them right between the eyes and struck them down with great force. 5his filled dismas and his ally with confidence and sismas let out some inspiring words "You're outmatched." The big bandit gritted his teeth and pulled out a gun, and shot reynauld right in the chest point blank. Reynaukd stumbled backwards ans coughed as he held his chest "agh God damn it!" Reynauld sighed as he fought back with another smite ftom hsi sword. This caused soem good damage on the big tough brignad but they weren't done yet. It was dismas' turn now. The man couldn't use his gun safely at this range so he sliced at the brigantine with his knife, targeting a vein. Luckily he hit his mark and caused the bandit to bleed profusely while yelling with rage. The bandit took his turn, although weak now from his injuries he struck them both his his flail of sharp balls, cutting open some wounds on the two and causing them to bleed as well. The dribbling pain of blood stressed them both, they had to end this quickly. Reynauld decided go pull off his finishing move on the bandit. He pulled out a scroll ftom his picket and opened it before shooting it into the face of the bandit "IT SAYS YOU'RE A HERETIC" As the words left his mouth the scroll lit up with a blinding light and the bandit screamed out before collapsing, dead.

   Dismas stared for a moment as reynauld packed up the scroll. Then the highwayman laughed "ah haha! That was a neat party trick. You'll have to show me that personally sometime." Reynauld sighed as he sheathed his sword "disrespect my lord again and I'll shove that scroll up ya ass bud." Dismas let out a small laugh once more as he approached the chest un the middle of the room. He rubbed his chin as he pulled put the key. I mean there was a lick on it, so he assumed it needed a key. Despite the fact ut hadn't been locked previously by the bandits since they were just using it. But dismas was never a smart man. He crouched down and opened the chest to find... nothing. Just a music box. Dismas sighed as he grabbed the box and shoved it in his pocket "I can probably sell that..." He muttered to himself before standing up. Reynauld met up at his side as the former bandit holsters his gun. The two looked over at a view of a stand dilapidated village, and an abandoned mansion. The two looked at ea Hither for s moment, then pressed onwards.

  To the hamlet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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