Prologue: Xiao

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Adeptus Xiao.

It had been the fourth time I called his name out into the night. Even though the rain was too strong and loud for normal people to hear, I was sure he could. He could always hear me.

The night was heavier than usual, shadows slithering through the soaking wet grass. The Wangshu Inn wasn't too far away, but it was as silent as if it was dead. I could hear nothing but the rain and my useless calling.

Xiao, please.

The worst part is that I could feel his presence. His presence was everywhere: even in the own air around my drenched body. In the shadows around me. He was here, but he was too afraid to actually show up.

"Don't do this." I looked around as I growled under my breath.

Five days. He had been gone for five days.

"For Morax's sake, be a man and show up to me!"

My voice echoed in the silence, but this time in a way Xiao was never aware of.

Finally, he was standing right in front of me. His golden eyes focused on me, and only on me. His mask was on his left hand, as if he had just used it. Which means he had just slayed another demon.

"You called me."

"Yes, I did, many times."

"I was busy."


Xiao breathed deeply, his mask disappearing from his hand. He looked away to the Wangshu Inn, his black hair soaking wet in a few seconds.

"Why are you standing here on the rain? You'll catch a cold" he rasped.

"As if you care."

He went silent. Didn't move. I was sure he didn't breathe either until he said:

"I don't."

"I never knew that the Adepti could be such liars."

"You called me. What do you need?" He growled in a low tone, as if trying to hold some beast inside him.

"What do I need? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You're wasting my time."

"You disappeared for five days, Xiao. I was still in bed-"

"That night was a mistake. It should have never happened."

I felt those words. Felt my heart processing every sound. It couldn't be true, that night was special... I felt it. But I can't say I didn't see this coming.

"Cut the bullshit. Stop lying to me before I explode at your face."

"I didn't enjoy that night. I didn't enjoy being with you."

A punch would have hurt less. I swallowed the tears, feeling my throat aching as if there was a knot I didn't know how to untie. I had been rehearsing this for days straight. What to say, how to act. It all went down the drain when I could not see through his eyes this time. When his face was so true. When his words carried truth.

"You said-"

"I wasn't in my right mind. I used you to get better. It worked. It was cruel and stupid, but I did it anyways."

"Xiao..." I didn't know what else to say.

The soldier ready to fight was crumbling.

I imagined this scenario, predicted it. But somehow, listening to these things coming from the actual Adeptus Xiao hurt more than I expected.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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