dear diary...

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UMG!! I rote in my diaria angrily. Angelina is such a menie head!!!!!!! My name is Darlia, and im a straight a student!! And EVERYONE likes me exexpt meanie heads like Angelina. She is such a poopy head! And NOOOOOOO body likes her! I cant belive she even has frends!  Ugh! Anyways I am purrfect! And I have sooo many friends, I am a princess and I can fly I am so magical!

Hi mommy im home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ran to my mommy and told her about my perfect day! I ran to my room to see my one direction poster! I LOOOOVE one direction my fav is harry stiles! HE IS PERFECT!!!!

I walked in the school halls to see Angelina by her lacker! Ugh she is ssooooooo lame! I took out  my BRAND new flip phone! I am the ONLY one in school with a flip phone! I am soo awesome! And everyone has GROSS touch screen phones! I walked up to Angelina to give her  a piece of this! She called me ugly and asked me where my big nose comes from? HOW RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!!!!!! i was going to ask her where her bratty attitude and ugly face comes from! But its not my place to judge.


I heard one derection was having a concert and I flew there with my magical pony!!! My mom told me that one direction rote me a letter!! Umg the love meh!!!!



I love you so much your so purrfect and amazing! We want to be your bffs forverr!!!!

Frum: 1 Direction

UMG THEY LOVE ME! I thought to myself

I went to school and punched Angelina in the ugly face and she exploded! I killed someone! Noooooo oh well shes so bratty and ugly bye no oone likes you Angelina!

Im getting married to one direction!!!! Even tho im in 5th grade they still love me! What ever I love them two!


i hope you LOVED my story witch i think you did!! bye

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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