•Delilah Winchester•

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Delilah Winchester, 17, out on her own. Her mother died when she was 15, she's been alone ever since. No other family either, her father wasn't in the picture much, maybe once or twice a year. IF she was lucky. She knows her father was a hunter, not just any hunter though. He hunted demons, and ghosts, fairys, goblins, you name it! He probably fought it, or even caught it and killed it. So naturally, she's taken up that carrier as well. She's not very well at identifying, but she damn well tries! She would spend nights wishing she had family to go to. If she had the time, she'd do research to find what family she could. But she's always so caught up in hunting, it's hard to even think about family. For all she knows she might have brothers or sisters! Maybe her dead beat dad was still alive, and could at least teach her more about hunting. But then again, he's not around. God only knows if he's even still alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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