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oh my god this is embarrassing behavior. I cannot believe that I am sitting here writing fanfiction about a character in a dating simulator. 💀💀💀 good god I am beyond embarrassed LMAO anyways I hope you enjoy the product of my hyperfixiation.

I intend to LOOSELY follow julian's route to a certain extent while i take you down an alternate path for him. I intend to add my own flairs and such. I have not decided however if I will be ending this with julian's reversed or upright ending. It is quite possible I will create my own ending. As of writing this introduction, I am undecided.

These characters are not mine, they belong to the mobile game 'the arcana', which is a magic-filled dating simulator in which you can romance six different characters and experience the world through their eyes. I'm positively addicted.

I hope you enjoy this <3 it's in first person because the game itself is as well

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