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It's a night so dark the sky emits its beautiful light

A night without a single car sight

A night where you can feel the cool floor on the back of your head

It was the night we tried to mend

But it was the night that almost came to the end

It's called a mono ruckus

It's so loud no one can hear it but you

It vibrates so roughly but only you can feel it

It looks so torn, but how come everyone can only see that

The cleaner works day and night to fix it up but everyone just sees him as careless for the seemingly little progress he's making

Day and night the cleaner is critiqued for how he works, how he speaks, and why he's so quiet.

The cleaner can't help it.

The cleaner has a reason but he's in fear to decipher

Fear of rejection, fear of sacrificing what little he thinks he has left, fear of what his bosses and coworkers may assume.

So he stays quiet and takes it

He's the only one who will know how much his progress means to him.

He's the only one who will feel how good that little bit of improvement is.

So he keeps working at it.

Little by little.

Day by day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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