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TW: death, alcoholism, mentions of food in relation to depression, depressive thoughts bordering on suicidal thoughts, sex in general along with sex as a means of control. let me know if I missed any I'm certain there's more I'm just forgetting. It's 2:30, I am loosing it.

CW: swearing, sex.

Hey everyone! Spruceplank here! I left Ao3 and decided to post my story on Wattpad, so more people can read it, because apparently some of y'all find it hard to use Ao3. Anyways, hope you enjoy, and be warned that the story contains a LOT of angst. Only read it if you really feel like crying lol

10,668 words in the next chapter:)

I hope you blink before I do [Karlnapity]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt