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These stories were released in 2020 by Ryuji Masuda. Despite having worked with Wakako Masuda on them in 2016, he did not obtain the right to publish them at any given time.

Now, in 2021, Wakako Masuda has said the stories are outdated representations of the manga published without her acknowledgement. Take that with a grain of salt when reading these stories.

If you'd like a more fair representation of Chinchikurin as it exists so far, Wakako Masuda has begun posting character files on her own Notes.com account, of which I continue to translate as information comes out, and on her PixivFANBOX for all fans and more information for paid members. 

Each chapter will begin with the according trigger warnings as well as warnings of distortion in reflection of current knowledge of Chinchikurin. 

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