chapter 1: battle of the Lucifer

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"We be approaching another ship captain!" A crew worker aboard the S.S Lucifer sneered, looking ready to slaughter the other ship. The captain turned and narrowed his eyes in the direction of the unidentified ship. The captains face was greasy, his eye was scarred and his one pupil, milky white.
"The ship we're approaching! Get identification! We may have to prepare for battle!" The captain was hiding something.
The crew mate rushed off to the crows nest to see the ship closer. The sails of the other ship were an electrifying blue. In the middle of the sail there was a star in the middle of a triangle. The crew man rushed down from the crows nest shouting
He rushed toward the captain the crew on the lower deck was rushing around getting ready for a severe attack from the ST. Aldrine.
Several minutes later the S.S Lucifer, was under attack, the planks on the highest deck we on fire the crew mates were severely wounded, and most were dead or dying. A crew member pointed his musket at me and I swung my sword, knocking him and his gun the the floor. I pushed my blade up against his chest. My one foot holding him down. He surrendered and I stabbed my blade through his chest. He was done for.

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