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Rolling over to my side, I reached out my hand into the empty space of the bed--a habit I've had ever since I was a kid. Feeling the cold sheets, I propped myself up and sat with both my legs on each side.

"Good morning." I whispered to no one. The coldness of the morning chilling my skin.

Grabbing all my hair up, I tried to put it in a bun. Snatching my phone from the nightstand, I scrolled through the many notifications--mostly text messages and calls from my girls and then some notifications from social media sites. Feeling lazy to reply, I locked my phone and tossed it to my bed as I slipped on my indoor slippers. I stared longingly at the bigger pair next to mine. I really should put it away.

Slowly closing the door to my bedroom, I sighed to myself, an action slowly becoming familiar. I walked to the window that connected to the balcony of the studio apartment I occupied.

Opening the window caused a cacophony of sounds the early morning brought, the soft rustling of the window curtains as they swayed in the morning breeze, the sounds of cars driving to somewhere, and the noises of people as they greet each other--contrast to the empty sounds inside my apartment, as if the world was mocking me with its vibrancy. I sighed again and stepped away, keeping the window open in so it won't be that silent.

It was early, an entire two hours before I have to go to work--something I'm actually looking forward to. Something to occupy my mind and push unwanted thoughts away.

I prepared my coffee and took a sip, finally feeling active enough to read the messages on my phone. Walking towards my room, I picked my phone up from the bed. I feel it vibrate in my hand and stared at the new notification--a reminder. I froze, glad my coffee hadn't spilled, as I shakily tapped on the reminder with one hand.


That was all it said. Keys. One single word yet enough to remind me of what's going to happen--no, what should've happened a long time ago.

And maybe doing this would quell the yearning inside me.



I hear someone shout beside me. I hadn't even noticed I was spaced out. I blinked and looked up at the person who had called me, an annoyed expression plastered on her face.

"Geez. I've been calling you since forever ago." She complained and waved her hands around--being careful not to hit the stylist trying to fix her hair. Leaning into my vanity, her stylist following her, she made a groaning sound at the back of her throat. Although I know she was not that angry at me.

"You were ignoring me because you're doodling hyacinths again?"

I immediately looked at my desk, the white-painted wood was full of hyacinth flowers, drawn on by a pencil eyeliner I was holding. I smiled sheepishly and try to cover them with my forearm.

"Seriously, Deuk?" She ask, I just shrugged and tried to wipe it off with a make-up remover.

"What was it you want to tell me?" I asked scrubbing hard.

"I was gonna ask you about later? You know, movie night?" She said and then thanked the stylist for her work.

"Oh yeah. I'm totally coming! We're watching The Wind Rises tonight!"

She gave a chuckle and at the same time, the door to our dressing room opened and our two youngest members came in.

"Wassup! We're back!" Lisa announced as she bounded towards where we are, Chaeyoung just followed her calmly with long strides. They both had one plastic bag each on their hands.

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