The Last Letter

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Dear Lord Webber,

this letter shall be the last one I will ever send you.

The terrors I have been seeing in my dreams are starting to blend with reality. Wherever I look, I cannot help but see grotesque creatures with razor sharp teeth glaring at me. Their gaze is piercing right throught my entire body like a shot from crossbow. They are not making any sounds though. They do not move. They do not  breathe. They do not blink...

In the night I cannot sleep. When I lie in my bed, I always see the most gruesome and disgusting one of them all. It cannot be described as its shape is constantly changing. It is the only one that moves. The only one that makes sound. And worst of all, it is the only one of them that speak... at least, that is what I think it does.

Its voice sounds like it is resonating. It has a deep, strangely beautiful voice. Althought to me, it became the most frightening sound in the world. The words it speaks certainly do not come from nor belong in this world. Once I tried writing them on a piece of paper I had prepared. The transcription looked like this: 

"Neheg ednurguz ssum tsseilhcsfua netlew neredna uz rüt eid rew"

I have no idea what the words, if they really are words, mean. I have not tried to find out myself. They might carry a meaning heavier than I could process. They may be the very words that sentence me to death.

However this creature has not yet done any harm to me. As horrifying as it may be, it may not be as evil as I initially thought it would be.

As I write these lines, the creature stands beside me, watching me, and its gaze is fixated on my hand. When I stop writing, even for a brief moment, he gives a terrifying growl, as if dissatisfied. 

At this point I am too afraid to stop writing. It has not hurt me yet, why should it now? But... who knows what might happen. This creature is not from this world. It does not have to obey our sense of logic. It does not even have to have its own sense of logic. It...

I... cannot think of anything to write anymore. I will stop now. I do not know what will happen. And I do not wish to know. Dear God, please protect me...

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