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We made eye contact, and we knew what we wanted right then in an instant. We left our unfinished meal and started walking together but in opposite directions. I took the escalator down two floors, she went somewhere else, but I knew we would see each other soon. After the escalator stopped two floors down, I rushed down to the east side elevator to go one floor up, got out and turned left towards the fire exit. So much walking just to avoid suspicions. As I expected, the door was unlocked. I went in and climbed up, it didn't matter how many floors, I just needed to climb. After running up the never-ending amount of stairs I started to think I was running into something, a time loop, a wormhole, because the stairs never ended, until I heard footsteps not walking down casually but running, running as if they needed something, and they needed it right now. Like a stubborn baby that can't stop crying until it gets what it wants.

Even though I was freezing, my hands were blue from the cold, I somehow felt hot. The kind of heat that you can't endure but indulge, akin to the heat in a beach under the sun when it's at the highest point, surfacing the celestial dome.
The footsteps grew closer and louder. I felt hotter and hotter as my breathing grew deeper and my heart beat faster than a Lambo hitting sixty, but it all went to heaven when the footsteps stopped, and we saw each other.

We met sooner than I thought

I was on the bottom of the staircase, and she was on the top of god knows what floor. She threw her mask as she took a step down, I threw my mask and my bag down as well. I stood there looking at her eyes, they were filled with need, and she needed it badly.

She threw a smirk and either the universe seemed to have stopped flowing its time or everyone's dead in a terrorist attack, because I don't hear people's voices, I don't hear my heartbeat, I don't hear my breathing. Fuck that, i don't hear a thing! As if I am- we were in another dimension, just us and no one else.

She unzipped her hoody slowly as she took more steps down the stairs, and I took steps towards her.

I could make out that she was wearing a white longline t-shirt, under the hoodie, that just wasn't her size but smaller, which only made her curves pop out more, making my skin burn of the tension working on its surface and soon as she unzipped the damn thing that looked a thousand-mile-long, and dropped it on the floor, I knew what was gonna happen, I knew exactly what she was going to do, her eyes gave it all away.

She jumped from the stairs and threw herself at me, a tiger pouncing on its prey. And pinned me to the wall with her knee down on my crotch between my legs and one of her arms on my throat. Now I know how she earned a black belt.
"Shhh" she tells me,
Putting a finger on top of her gory blood-red gelatinous lips, which honestly were normal red coloured lips not so long ago.

I swear to God that I saw fangs instead of normal teeth.

My sight was paralysed after looking at her gruesome eyes wanting me, gratuitously. I could make out that she had a little bit of brown in her golden eyes. I could feel her hot breath on my lips, the sensation made my face go numb as if it was poisoned. Which made me realize that she wouldn't let me go even if someone caught us.

If there was a thermometer here, I think it would break right away.

She started unbuttoning my shirt, one by one, slowly from the bottom. We stared at each other's eyes in this growing silence, where I can even feel my overheated blood flowing through my vessels. Her eyes weren't even shaking. My consciousness was getting drained inside of her golden Oculus.
Leaving my red v neck t-shirt which had a very light material, yes it is important to the story, she finished unbuttoning my shirt which at one point the number of buttons seemed boundless to me.
Right when she was gonna start eating her prey; me, my blood started to evaporate from overheating, my phone rang.

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