Chasing Yesterday

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Chasing Yesterday

Chapter 1

There was nothing else left to do but run. Living on the streets of Malton was as hard as the reputation it had and more, the rules were simple. Survive. If you lived here you ran the risk of thugs, hoods, merders, robbers and more. People may say these kind of things happen all over. But here, it's different. These crooks take no mercy and almost never get caught. This is the kind of place people run from, hide from and don't dare cross it's path. I however was lucky enough to live here, with my dad and younger sister Elle. My name is Cassidy rose Johnson. And I, was unstoppable. As I picked up the pace I ran down the streets. A man with a small hand pistil followed behind. All I Hurd was his voice yelling Thief! Thief! Stop her! And the wind in my ears. I had stolen a small knitted doll from his corner store which happened to be important to me. I dashed into an ally and hopped the fence and sat holding my breath behind a dumpster. The mad ran right past me. I stood up and walked about 2 miles back home. Elle should be getting home from school soon anyway. I had always waited at the corner of our sub where I'd walk her the rest of the way home ever since we were little and had never missed a day. I was 17 and graduated high school early because of my brain. It was unusual for people of my kind to be smart, but I guess I was lucky. I felt a hug around my waist to see the top of Elle's head and her 2 long brads down her back. Her and I preferred our hair long. Once we got home I made her a snack and she did her homework. I walked out to go see if we got mail when I was pulled from behind and pinned to the ground." Noah!"i screamed and pushed him off. "Yes Cassie?" "what the hell are u doing!!" " we'll I just wanted to say hi" I looked at him in annoyance and got up. Noah and I were like brother and sister. Been together since young and been through a lot together. He only had a mom who didn't give a damn about him but he wavs 19 now. Meanwhile I had the same but it was my dad. My dad threw my mom out when Elle was just 2 and I was 13. A half of a neckless i wore around my neck every day with the other half belonging to her. My dad wasn't a good father by any means. I would never dare leave Ellen alone with him. I could handle my self tho. Noah is greeted with bare like hug from Elle. We sat and did her home work for about an hour till we Hurd the familiar sound of a drunk man stumbling yup the wooden porch and swings open the door half falling in. I quickly rush Elle to her room with Noah. I stare at my dad is disgust and disbelief although it was something I should be use to by now, "drunk,again".

"if you haven't noticed we have a 6 year old girl in this house who needs a parent and all she got is me because u ain't ever sober enough to pay any attention to her!" this was the usual in outer house. He looks at me with a blank almost confused expression on his face," now young lady listen to me". He sounds to wasted to pronounce words or speak properly. "I am the adult around here I ain't needing any lectures from u". I look at him in annoyance. I'm done with his drunk ass I thought. He stumbles towards me and gets right to my face. I can smell the liquor on his breath, "I am the boss" he says in a demanding voice that pulled the trigger on my last nerve. I look him in the eyes, " you are a drunken lousy excuse for a father,I am 18 in a week and I will take me and Elle and leave" he looks at me in confusion, then anger. He lifts his hand and slaps me one good. I fall to the ground and catch my self on one hand. I scatter to get up and I ran up stairs. "Elle! Noah! come with me now!" I dammed. Noah picked up Elle and ran with me, we charged down the stairs ready to face my dad but to find him half passed out on the couch we decided to keep going. We went to Noah's house and hot wired his moms car and drove to my grandmas. I was awakened by the sound of Noah's voice and gentle shakes. A warm hug from my grandma was my greeting. Elle ran in and spoke to grandma," daddy is being mean again!". "I know sweetie" my grandma spoke in her soft voice that resembled my mothers. "Cassidy? Can I see you in the bedroom for one Minute darling?" I walked into the guest bedroom with my grandma and shut the door behind me. My grandma looked at me with a serious face," what do you plan to do now? He will find u here, I'm surprised he hasn't come already". "I'm going to find her, my mother" I say. By the look on my grandmas face she could tell I meant what I said. She looks at the bed spread, " how do u expect to do that". I hold out the necklace " this will help me". She looks at me and nods once, symbolizing that she knew what I meant. I went back out to Ellie and went into my pocket. I pulled out the knitted doll from earlier, "here" I handed the doll to Ellie and looked at her saucer chestnut brown eyes that were the spitting image of my mothers. Holding tears back as I watched her press the doll to her chest, "she will keep you safe" my voice choking with every word that ran off my tongue. She nods and closed her eyes as a tear slips out from under her eye lid, "hey,don't cry,I'll be okay I promise, I'll be back". I kissed her forehead and stood up, "stay strong Elle, no matter what stay strong". I looked at my grandma as she handed me money. "I can't take that!". "consider it a gift" she said as she held back tears. I glanced at Elle hugging Noah, one last look at the 2 people who I loved the most as we drove out the driveway in my grandmas car. Noah broke the silence," where do we go now"? I look at him "we will find her but as of now we have to go back to the house, there is something I need". We drive closer to my house. Close enough to see the flashing police lights. We park about a block away. Noah and I listen to the conversation between the cop and my dad. He is showing them a picture of Elle and Me. "He is accusing u of stealing money from him and talking about the disappearance of your mother" Noah says in an astonished voice. I was more angry then shocked." come on, we r going through my bedroom window, I have to get something". Noah boosted me up and I climbed in. I rush over to my dresser and pull out 400 dollars and a picture. I jump out the window, making a huge thunk and bringing one of the policemen to look out the window, as we hid just beneath it. We took a chance and dashed for the car. We were off," that was too close"! Noah muttered. I looked out the window up at the sky. I took out the money from my grandma and unfolded it. A small note fell out on my lap. As I unfolded it I began to read it." 5571 summerville dr". What did that mean? Noah snatched it from me," oh geese, that's all the way across town"! " It was in the money from my grandma" I said nervously. I glanced at him, "well I guess that is our first stop". Noah looked worried," what about the cops they will b on our tail soon, how do we shake them"? I was just as confused." we just have to be careful". Noah and I have been running from the cops all our lives, we could handle whatever team my dad instructed to hunt us like animals.

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