Chapter 1: Baekhyun

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Do you believe in love at first sight? Can you like someone you barely know?

You plugged in your earbuds and reached for your phone, out of habit. Swiping up at the lock screen, you couldn't help but look at the time, just after 1am...and here you were still studying, trying your hardest to cram as much knowledge as possible for the upcoming tests in a few weeks.

You were in a prestigious school, full of loaded classmates or just classmates who were just too big-brain that they could easily sit for a paper without studying at all. You? Obviously you were in this school too, and you weren't rich or smart, but you weren't stupid or poor either. Probably you were somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, but then again people always take note of the people who stand out, and never the ordinary people living right beside us.

The guy started singing, as usual. It was almost a habit now, that every night around 12.30 to 1 in the morning, he would start singing. It wouldn't be bad if it happened once in a while, but he sang every single day, and at night, when most people were asleep, his singing disrupted the peace and quiet that you liked from studying late at night. To be honest, his voice wasn't half bad, and if he did his singing in the day, or just when you weren't studying, you probably wouldn't have minded, but yeah, it was as though he had timed his singing to directly clash with your studying schedule.

A few days ago, maybe two to three weeks ago, you could still have your peace and quiet, then he moved over, and all your peace and quiet was lost. For quite a few days now, he had been getting on your nerves, but you just put on the earbuds and listened to some music, trying to filter out the noise, with even more noise. How does that work? Good question. But for quite a few days, you had been putting up with him and his singing and eventually, today it had gotten to you. You put on your jacket and went to the lift lobby, taking the lift up to the 15th floor.

"Knock, knock"

No sound or any sign of movement

"Knock, knock" You knocked again. Maybe the guy was too shy to come out. You waited for a while more.

Just as you were about to turn and go back down to continue studying, the door creaked gently open. It was so soft you barely heard it. The door was barely open, maybe only around 20cm, and behind it peeked out a boy. In the dim illumination of the light, you could barely make out his features but he was probably a few years older than you, and quite a bit taller than you.

"How may I help you?" he whispered, a mix of fear and shyness laced in his voice.

At this point, you were already quite frustrated, having your studies disrupted by his singing, and having to wait for him to appear at the door. You just wanted to give him a berating and then go back to studying right away. You had no time to waste. You raised your voice,

"Hey, what's your-"

He quickly put his hand over your mouth, quietly hissing into your ear "Shhh!" It wasn't irritation or annoyance, but fear you could sense within him. He kept on turning back, seemingly making sure that nothing was behind him.

"Can we talk outside, please?" Again, he spoke softly and timidly, and the last "please" was stretched out, that it seemed more a plea than a request.

You turned away, just wanting to settle this as quickly as possible and get your point across to him, and walked to the lift lobby, waiting for him to trudge slowly behind you. He gently stepped out, and quietly closed the door behind him, almost making a deliberate attempt not to make any sound.

You stood right in the middle of the lift lobby, barely illuminated by the light at the lobby. He moved slowly towards you, slowly but gracefully much like a ballerina. He took a few more steps and as he approached, you realised that he was maybe around 15cm taller than you, as the light illuminated his face, you realised that this boy not only had a good voice, but also had good looks too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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