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Bramble sighed, answering questions for a special QNA.

She was sitting down on her couch watching NCIS. It was an interesting show, especially when Kate, or something, died. Denozo, Ziva, McGee, Abby, Jethro, Ducky, 'Pimmy Jalmer,' as she liked to call him, and the new director made up the show. Well, actually, series.

Thoughts on Awsamedude?

Bramble felt a churning sensation in her chest. In response, she wrote, I miss Awesamdude. He was a nice person to hang around with.

The last time she'd seen Sam had been when he'd just started thinking about making a video gaming career.

He'd delayed it for a long time, Bramble recalled with a pang, because he was too busy with school.

That was—what—well, she was twenty-three currently. Sam was probably also twenty-four right now. The last time she'd seen him had been when she was when she was seventeen, turning eighteen. She hadn't been able to celebrate her birthday—she didn't feel like it anymore after.

Anyway, that made it two thousand fifteen when she was seventeen, and he was eighteen.

Six years ago...

The nostalgia Bramble felt was surprisingly strong. She really did miss him. Sad had been her only friend when she was younger. She still remembered her favorite memory with him.

She sat down on Cam's couch as she continued to be miserable.

Since she was on her period, she couldn't sit back, like lean back.

And she felt even more so worse than usual because her dad had yelled at her.  Sam had hugged Bramble until she stopped crying.

It turned out Bramble's father had lost both his job and his temper.

It ended up with Bramble walking home. An unlucky step she took across the street landed her in the hospital with a broken coccyx, and severe bruises, plus a broken rib.

That was when Bramble's mother and father decided they needed change. Sam had stayed with her at the hospital until Bramble had to leave for California.

I'm sorry, I can't answer any more...I have a lot to do

Some Tendril  @JustBramble
My first boyfriend just left me, my first gf used me like a puppet, and my second bf cheated and told me he didn't want to be together :// I don't think anyone is for me...   Romance Is Boring   Serotonin


Brain Chocolate  @pfpfyp
Replying to @JustBramble
hey bae don't give up! that special someone could be out there! <3 ily


Some Tendril  @JustBramble
Replying to @pfpfyp
Thank you so much <3

Bramble closed her eyes, then got up to feed her kitten, Nettle, and make some food for herself.

Sam's in the past. I probably won't see him. What would I say? 'Sam?' I'd be confused, for sure.

𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐃 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐄, 𝐀𝐰𝐞𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐝𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐗 𝐎𝐂Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora