Chapter One

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Camila glanced across the classroom at the clock hanging from the wall.

9:50. She groaned. There was still a half an hour before her english class ended. She hated english. It was by far her most dreaded class out of the four that she was currently taking. She loved to write but hated grammar and poetry lessons. Math was her favorite subject because there was no room for interpretation. The answer was either correct or it was wrong.

"Ms. Cabello" Mr. Jyringi snapped at her.

Camila withdrew from her daydream and looked at him confused. "Yes, Mr. Jyringi?"

"Would you mind explaining to the class what a conjunction is?" the teacher asked, fully expecting her to not know.

Camila's face began to turn red. She tried to glance at the board at the front of the room for any indications. "Uhm..." she began, "I'm not sure."

Mr. Jyringi huffed at her. "Please, get your head out of the clouds Cabello. A conjunction is a word used to connect sentences or clauses."

Camila nodded her head, annoyed. This guy was always such a dick to her for no reason. Well, actually, there was a reason. Mr. Jyringi was the same age as Camila's mother. He had always wanted to date her in their highschool years but Sinu had rejected him on more than one occassion.

When class finally ended, Camila scrambled to get out of the room as fast as possible. She ran to her locker and exchanged her english binder for her biology one and made her way to the first floor.

When she got to class she sat in her usual seat next to her bestfriend Ally.

"Hey girl" Ally greeted her with her familiar, bright smile. Camila called Ally her sunshine because she was always so bright and cheery. Her smile could light up the darkest room.

"Hey" Camila reciprocated, "Did you hear on the announcements what was for lunch?"

Ally began to answer her but Camila was distracted when the three most popular girls in the school walked in the room. Lauren, Dinah, and Normani had always been popular, even throughout the middle school years. All three of them were absolutely beautiful. Camila felt as though Lauren was the prettiest of them all. She had always been mesmorized by Lauren's emerald eyes. Unfortunately as pretty as the girls were on the outside, they were entirely ugly on the inside.

"What are you staring at, dork?" Lauren challenged as she walked past Camila's desk.

"Nothing," Camila stammered as she looked down at the floor.

Lauren rolled her eyes and sat down next to her two bestfriends. Truth be told, she hated being mean to Camila. In elementary school, the two girls had been the very best of friends. Every friday night they would go to the mall together and then have a sleepover and talk endlessly about trivial things. Things changed in sixth grade when Normani moved next door to her and invited her to join the popular crew. Lauren felt guilty for leaving Camila behind but she didn't want to be a loser anymore. She liked the attention she was getting by hanging around Normani.

"Goodmorning class," Mrs. Coullins chirped to her class as she began passing out papers. "Today we will begin our next lab on the various body tissues. This paper includes all of the instructions for completing the lab and also has your partner written on the top."

Camila groaned quietly. She hated doing labs in Mrs. Coullins class because they always involved assigned partners. She glanced down at the paper to see who her partner was. Lauren Jauregui. Fuck. Camila sighed and turned to look at Lauren. Lauren was already making a face at her.

Camila reluctantly grabbed her belongings and went to sit by Lauren.

"Guess you're stuck with me," Camila stated the obvious as she took her seat.

"Unfortunately," Lauren responded rudely. 

Camila ignored Lauren's rude comment and read over the instructions. "So it looks like we're studying the different types of body tissues like epithelial, muscle, and skeletal..."

"Whatever," Lauren dismissed her as she turned her attention to her iPhone 6. "Just let me know when it's done k?"

Camila's cheeks grew hot with anger. Was she fucking serious? Did she really expect Camila to do the entire project herself?

"Uhm no," Camila responded bravely, "We're PARTNERS. That means we split the work 50/50."

Mrs. Coullins interrupted their conversation by addressing the classroom. "Alright guys. You need to use your textbooks to look up the various tissues I've written on the paper. When you're done jotting down some information on the tissues, then you take a microscope and come identify the different tissues."

Camila retrieved the bulky biology book from her backpack and flipped to chapter thirteen.

Lauren, knowing that Camila wasn't going to let her slack, also pulled out her book.

Camila pointed at the paper, "You do these on this side, and I'll do the ones on the other side."

Lauren nodded her head and began searching for the answers.


"How was working with Ms. Bitch-a-lot?" Ally teased.

Camila giggled. "She tried to get me to do all the work but I showed her who's boss."

Camila took her tray of god knows what and walked to a cafeteria table. The meal sort of looked like chicken alfredo but mainly looked like a gray blob. Ally took a seat next to Camila and took a bite.

"This is disgusting," Ally confirmed Camila's thoughts as she went for another forkful.

"Then why are you eating it?" Camila took her fork and played with some of the noodles.

"Because I'm starving," Ally exaggerated. She took a napkin and dabbed next to her mouth. "Are you coming over after school?"

"Can't" Camila replied, "It's tuesday. I have piano lessons."

Ally nodded her head, quickly remembering her best friend's schedule. "How about tomorrow then? I want to watch the new Mockingjay movie. I bought it yesterday."

Camila laughed. She knew that Ally was absolutely OBSESSED with the Hunger Games series. She must have read the books over a dozen times. Camila didn't really care for the books but she thought that the first two movies were pretty good.

"Sure, tomorrow's fine" Camila agreed as she shoved a forkful of the alfredo in her mouth. "I might have to watch Sofia for a little bit though."

Ally chuckled. She could barely make out what Camila was saying since her mouth was stuffed with food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full" Ally ordered, playfully.

Camila stuck her tongue out at her, revealing some of the chewed up food.

"You're disgusting Cam."

"But you love me" Camila replied with a smirk.

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