-Return of Captain Drex-

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: The Man's Nest :
(Mika is by herself in the main man's nest room)

Miles: "Hey sis, we [danger force + schwoz] are heading out for some smoothies at Hip Hop Puré. Wanna come?"
Mika: "No thanks."
Miles: "Ok. See ya!"
(The rest of Danger Force leave to go get smoothies.)

(Mika begins secretly reading the book "50 More Ways To Say I Told Ya So")

(About 6 minutes later Mika looks up as she hears something fall over)

(Setting her book down, Mika goes over to investigate)

Mika: "What the- AHH"

(Drex, coming out of nowhere, grabs Mika and covers her mouth up so she can't scream)

Drex: "I'm backkkk"

(Once Drex forces Mika to turn on door lock, he lets go of her)

Mika: "Wha- What are you doing here.. Drex?
Drex: "Well, Mika, I thought I would stop on by to say hello- you know- see how you are doing. Oh, and to also destroy you and the rest of Danger Force. You know, the usual."
Mika: "We WILL beat you again Drex. You know why? Because we are Danger Force. We can take on anyone, especially you. And you know what? We can also-"
Drex: "Ughhhhh. Blah blah blah blah blah. Why do I always get stuck with the talkative one? Whatever. Let's Dance."

(Drex and Mika start fighting ; Drex winning.)

(After some more fighting, Mika falls hardly onto the floor. In pain, Mika hears a knock on the covered door. Drex hears it too. They realize that Danger Force is back from Hip Hop Puré. Someone struggles to try to open the Door)

Ray: "Mika! Why is the door locked/covered? You better not be reading in there!!"

(Drex looks back at Mika giving one last kick.)

Drex: "Looks like it's my time to go. I had a great time! See you soon..."

(Drex leaves unnoticed by Danger Force with a grin on his face ; Mika on the ground.)
(Schwoz finally hacks into the system unlocking the Man's Nest. Danger Force busts in to find Mika against the wall on the ground.)

Miles: "Oh my god! What happened!?"

(Chapa, Miles, and Bose run over to help her up)

(Mika stares at them for a couple seconds, pain in her eyes, processing what just happened.)

Mika: "He's back... and he isn't done."
Chapa: "Who isn't done?"
Mika: "Drex."
Bose: *gasps*
Ray: *sees the book Mika was reading*

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