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I walked l down the street, and turned the corner on Mulberry. I was going to see my best friend, Lennon. At his very own coffee shoppe, lennons. Lennon was the type of friend who always knew how to make you smile. I met him when I was 4, and he was 42. Lennon's now 60, and I'm 18.

"Tara, Tara, Tara. Just the person I wanted to see. And there he is, John." Lennon said smiling at me and my cat.
"So, the usual?"

"Yep, thanks. Also, John didn't get a chance to eat anything, do you think you could pour him a couple bites?" I said looking down at John.

"Well, of course. What are friends for?" he said smiling. I sat down and opened up my book. I was currently reading 'Looking for Alaska' by one of my favorite authors, John Green. I didn't only name my cat after him, before it was just because of John Lennon. It reminded of Lennon.

"There you are, sweetie." he said handing me my tea.

"Thanks, Lennon. You're the best." I said smiling.

"No problem." We both heard a ding at the door, signaling someone else was in the store.

"Well, hello there fella. What can I get you today?" said Lennon.

"Uh, I'll just have 4 regular coffees, please." he said getting out his wallet.

"Sure thing." Lennon said, then left. This was definitely strange to me, I've never had anyone else in the store with me except Lennon. I went when everyone was doing there own thing. When I was the only one who had time to get something to drink, to just sit down, and think.

"Aw, well hi there little guy." he said petting the cat next to me, that sounded like a tractor while purring.

"What's his name?" he asked.

"John," I said quietly. "I named him after John Lennon."

"Cute. Have you ever listened to Rock? Like Green Day, or Nirvana, maybe even a little Fall Out Boy?" he said.

"No, I've never really liked rock music." I said truthfully.

"Ah," he said. "Okay then."

"4 large coffees for you, sir." Lennon said coming out from the kitchen, startling me.

"Thank you, so much." the boy said.

"Hey," Lennon said as the boy turned back around. "I didn't catch your name."

"Why do you want to know my name?"

"I like to learn my customers names."

"Calum. Calum Hood."

"Alrighty then, Calum. Come again soon!"

"Will do!"

I hope so.

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