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I don't know how I got here. Everything seems like such a blur. I don't know who brought me here, and I don't know how to get out. I think I was thrown in here by some crazy scientist. This place looks abnormally large. Everything is white and it looks kind of comfy. I looked up and I see a string of lights going down a hallway. 

My name is Sasha Igame. I don't have much time to explain right now, since I have to get moving eventually. For a description, I have blonde hair, and green eyes, I'm wearing an all white shirt and gown and my face looks like it's going to explode.

I can feel my legs now. They are really shaky and wobbly, and I can't seem to get up. The lights are blinding me now, and I don't have my glasses. "Oh great.." I said anxiously. I was worried that I will get trapped in here forever with no way out, but since this facility seems like it's going to end soon, I have to hope that there is an exit. 

I finally get up and lean on the somewhat comfortable walls. It tells me to sleep, but then again, I already had my fair share when I was unconscious. I don't like this facility at the moment. Apparently, I can go 2 ways now, a path that I didn't see before is suddenly there. My eyes jerk open in astonishment and I can now see a tad bit clearly. 

I stop leaning on the walls and I start to move around a bit. I can see a security camera in the corner of where I was leaning, but that was the least of my worries. I limp down the cold, yet blinding hallway and I find myself in another set of hallways. "Is this a maze?" I thought to myself. I stand there for a bit wondering what I was going to do. These hallways confused me a little bit and I was just left standing there for a couple minutes.

I then turned left and everything seemed to be normal. The walls are the same ones each hallway I walk through. The only thing in this facility seems to be just.. walls. Am I in an asylum or is this actually a facility? I keep thinking to myself as I pass security cameras and damp walls. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, and I'm starting to think this is a safe place.

I thought I would be safe here, considering that I've been walking around for a few minutes now and I haven't seen anything weird. But now, I'm starting to think that people might be watching me do this for their own entertainment. I still don't know how I got here, and my mind seems to be empty and blank. The walls never seem to change when I move around the hallways. The lights on the ceiling are still there.

I know it's weird, but I don't know if there will be someone there to help me. I want to believe that someone is trapped in here with me, I can't be the only one. This is a very big facility and like I said before, it seems like it stretches on forever. I don't see any rooms, not even any doors. There is something about this place that has a paranormal feeling to it. I have a feeling that there are monsters in here, because I read in books that lots of abandoned places have something haunting them, yet this place looks new and remodeled.

This isn't really a place I should be in, but the only thing I won't let go of is that I'm alone. There's no way I could be in this humongous place all by myself. I walked for about an hour now and there's nothing special I have found. I'm bound to find something that will help me if the lights turn off eventually. I just don't know anything about my current situation right now, it's all hurting my brain one by one.

I feel like I keep on going in circles. Every hallway and path look like I've been in them before. I'm starting to think about who the hell designed this place. I didn't see an entrance when I first got here, and-


What? Who said that? Am I hallucinating again? Please don't tell me this is real. I don't want to have human interaction right now and I really don't want to die.

"W-who is it..?" I said, while stuttering. I was too afraid to scream and I was obviously too afraid to walk towards the noise. I didn't know what to do and I was standing in fear. I walked backwards and eventually, I ran away from the person who spoke. I kept on running straight and not taking any sharp turns. I really don't want to hit a wall while running, since that'll just knock me out.

I continued running until I ran out of breath. I find a place to sit and I sit down. I think I can hear the crazy footsteps of the person who yelled. I started to panic and I tried to get back up, but my legs gave out. I can't run any further and it looks like I have to hope for them to not find me. My gown is covering my whole entire body and I'm starting to sweat. I swear I'm hyperventilating at this point. I sit back on the wall as far as I could, and I roll up into a ball. I can't believe the situation I'm in right now, and I think I'm about to get murdered.

Since I'm so desperate to get away, I crawl on the floor with my hand on the walls. I don't know what will happen here, or how this will help, but I'm using this as a somewhat escape tactic. I stopped crawling after a few minutes. The footsteps seemed to have stopped for the moment. I sigh in relief as I lay down on the soft floor, getting ready to rest.

I'm starting to feel tired, as if I used all the running power I had. I want to sleep so badly, but something is keeping me up. Maybe it's that guy who yelled. I haven't heard his footsteps yet. I am starting to feel scared. Maybe that's what's keeping me up. Fear. I feel like I'm going to be found eventually, but at least I lived a good life. I don't know what brought me here, but I think it has to do with my death.

I don't know if I'm going to get out of here alive, but at least I will die alone. I haven't had food and water in over a day, and I'm pretty sure I'll die of hunger either tomorrow or in a couple days. I still haven't found any doors or windows in this place. I'm starting to think that I'm trapped in an endless maze rather than a facility. Let's face it, I might never get out. Even if it has been around 2-3 hours, I lose hope quickly to situations like this. I don't know what I'm going to do...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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